Thursday, March 31, 2016

A data man, Uday Shanker defies the JNU code!

#StarTVCEO Uday Shanker is one such JNU alumnus who is the most un-JNU type. How?
In JNU, as a non-science student you are indoctrinated by your faculty to work as an activist of this or that party each of which adhere to a specific brand of leftist ideology.
This results in delayed Ph.Ds that are mostly about collecting data to justify a predecided conclusion that reaffirms the position or party line of  the indoctrinating guide on various socioeconomic issues of the day.
This actually means no independent research is done by JNU Social Sciences/International Studies/ Humanities faculty or students as data or facts are not allowed to speak for themselves. This results in both teachers and Ph.D scholars becoming world class pamphleteers.
It will be crystal clear if you compare the language of their work with that of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.
On the other hand, Mr Shanker is a data-driven decision maker who strategizes his present response in view of what the future will be like and inspires his team to live the future in the present. And this is what makes him Uday Shanker who defies the anti-data code of his alma mater, JNU.
Can he be considered as an exception that only proves the JNU Rule!
The rule that says, 'dump anything good about India and blame the majority for the misdoings of minorities', 'manufacture  data to invent the relevance of an ideology that has failed globally', and thus, the 'JNU Rule' grooms the faculty and students as USEFUL IDIOTS for the forces inimical to India. Till 1991, that is before the collapse of the USSR, they proudly served their MOSCOW masters anywhich way! But post-1991 , the importance of their anti-India stance Jason been harvested the most by the Western powers. Imagine, Indian Communists serving the Western CAPITALIST interests against their very own for few extra bucks or foreign tours and recognitions!
But here the million dollar question is how come Uday Shanker was not bitten by the JNU bug? May be he left the campus early to join the Times School of Journalism and took the business of dealing in facts seriously.

#StarIndiaCEO #StarWorldCEO #StarTV #UdayAtFicci #UdayAtFICCI #JNU #JNUCode #JNURow #ShutDownJNU
#IndiaHatingCopycats #RevampJNU


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