Lichi: Indian or Chinese Debate
Lichi sounds Chinese and is Chinese. It came to India through Chinese travellers like many more things including Buddhism travelled to China. It is not surprising that Lichi is mostly found on the route taken by Indian and Chinese travellers. Unlike today, India and China mostly enjoyed best of cultural and diplomatic relations for millennia and before the Communist take over in China. Till recently, most of the DENTISTS in eastern towns of India were of Chinese origin. In Kolkata, you have a Chinese colony.
Mostly the Lichi growing farmers used to be BHUMIHARS who were the last Buddhists to do #Gharwapsi to the fold of Vaishnavism . The BHUMIHAR villages are located mostly on BUDDHCHARI (the route most traversed by Lord Buddha) areas. To top it all, till date they have the MAHANTI(near or complete ownership) of the Muths (earlier Bauddh Viharas) in the northern Bihar of today which generally should have been the domain of Brahmins.
I only hope that with Modi as PM of India and the politically displaced lot hell bent upon giving Communal-Secular colour to any thing or everything that comes their way, this Lichi debate doesn't turn out to be their latest victim! They are very compassionate towards Pak terrorists but will not spare Indian Security agencies. That's their religion. You see, every body has a religion, even proclaimed atheists!
#India #Indians #China #Chinese #Lichi #Bihar #Muzaffarpur #Bhumihars #ShahiLichi #ChinaLichi #BuddhistCircuit #ChineseTravellersToIndia #IndianTravellersToChina #IndianFruits #ChineseFruits #Fruits #BauddhaViharas #Viharas #Manhants #MahantDarshanDas #Biddhism
#Modi #PMOIndia #Secularism #Communalism #Pakistan #Terrorism #LichiIndianOrChineseDebate
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