Monday, July 27, 2015

Analysis of Voilence By Faith For Insights Into Inter-Faith Issues

Faith Analysis of Violence: Can It Give Any Reliable Insights Into Inter-Faith Issues?

Debate begets debate, finalities cause finalities and cpompassion too leads to compassion. Can we get statistical to reach certain conclusions. Should we engage in sort of FAITH ANSLYSIS of violence globally over a period of say 15 years to test the relationship between a Faith and the Violence in the name of the Faith? Rules of the game could be:
1. Stated objective of violence
2. Implicit objective of violence
3. Scio-economic background of the perpetrators of violence
4. Whether deviance allowed by the mainstream followers of the Faith
5. If there is space for questioning the fundamentals of the Faith
6. The concept of equality is intra-Faith or inter-Faith
7. If there a history of solving problems through debates
8. If there is regard for middle class values
9. If there is change in the nature of violence with the change in the demographic status of its perpetrators or their victims ( e.g., Muslims in Kashmir vs Muslims in the rest of India; Hindus in Kashmir vs Hindus in the rest of India etc.).
Other relevant variables can be added too wherever required.
Answers to these questions could be of use to the people of all Faiths.

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