Indian elite suffers from GENETIC TIMIDITY and OSTRICH SYNDROME?
#India is lucky to have benefited a lot from the #CommunicationRevolution which has opened to us the flood gates of #information and #knowledge. We are not only talking with the rest of the world but, most important, we are talking amongt ourselves and with ourselves.
And, what are the platforms facilitating all this talking: #Internet, #Mobile and #SocialMedia.
One thing that is seriously under question NOW is the #IndianElite and it's #IntellectualAcumen.
#Facebook, #Twitter and #Blog are abuzz with such questions that include the Foreign-ness and the #Conspiracy of #SECULARISM that has robbed the #educated class of its capacity to think and act independently and systematically.
The other question pertains to the way #Indians respond to things that are '#foreign' and at the same time #barbaric but now become integral and inalienable part of them by way of forcible #conversations, rule of #invaders, and #colonization in all possible ways including an imposed #EducationSystem tailored to denigrate the #NativeIndianWisdom in order to produce #unquestioning #CopyCat minds marauding themselves as #intellectuals.
All this has turned us into humans who are #GeneticallyTimid and who automatically switch to #OstrichMode in the face of crises of any kind including #Intellectual.
Is there any light at the end of the millennium-old tunnel?
The answer is YES.
But HOW? The very technology which is throwing these questions and doubts has the capacity to connect the #ANSWER-SEEKERS in real time and in a seamless manner.
And the #ANSWERS lie in rediscovering the #IndianMind that looks at the Man as Part of the Whole rather than Man vs Nature, I vs You, We vs They, #Hindu vs Non-Hindus, #Bharat vs Rest of the World, etc.
And looking at everything of today from this perspective can start only after we resolve to #UNLEARN all that injected by way of the history of #Victors such as #Muslims, #Christians and post-Independence #Manipulators and #Collaborators represented by the Congress of #NehruGandhis and their cronies in #Communists and #Left_Liberals.
This requires #SamundraManthan which is a collective effort...the best we can do is join hands with the #Champions of the cause such as
#Shahid Siddiqui
And many more...
#AamirHaideri #Islam #Fatwas #ARRahman #Rahman #Mohammed_Messenger_Of_God #Iran #IranianFilms
#TigerMemon #DawoodIbrahim #KalamSir #AbdulKalam #MissileMan #MissileManOfIndia #DrKalam
#Modi #Secularism #Communists #Marxists #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris #BeingSalmankhan #BeingHuman #BeingSalmanKhan
#Mobile #Internet #ThreatFromMobile #ArifMohmammadKhan #MJAkbar #ShahidSiddiqui #NaeemKhan
And, what are the platforms facilitating all this talking: #Internet, #Mobile and #SocialMedia.
One thing that is seriously under question NOW is the #IndianElite and it's #IntellectualAcumen.
#Facebook, #Twitter and #Blog are abuzz with such questions that include the Foreign-ness and the #Conspiracy of #SECULARISM that has robbed the #educated class of its capacity to think and act independently and systematically.
The other question pertains to the way #Indians respond to things that are '#foreign' and at the same time #barbaric but now become integral and inalienable part of them by way of forcible #conversations, rule of #invaders, and #colonization in all possible ways including an imposed #EducationSystem tailored to denigrate the #NativeIndianWisdom in order to produce #unquestioning #CopyCat minds marauding themselves as #intellectuals.
All this has turned us into humans who are #GeneticallyTimid and who automatically switch to #OstrichMode in the face of crises of any kind including #Intellectual.
Is there any light at the end of the millennium-old tunnel?
The answer is YES.
But HOW? The very technology which is throwing these questions and doubts has the capacity to connect the #ANSWER-SEEKERS in real time and in a seamless manner.
And the #ANSWERS lie in rediscovering the #IndianMind that looks at the Man as Part of the Whole rather than Man vs Nature, I vs You, We vs They, #Hindu vs Non-Hindus, #Bharat vs Rest of the World, etc.
And looking at everything of today from this perspective can start only after we resolve to #UNLEARN all that injected by way of the history of #Victors such as #Muslims, #Christians and post-Independence #Manipulators and #Collaborators represented by the Congress of #NehruGandhis and their cronies in #Communists and #Left_Liberals.
This requires #SamundraManthan which is a collective effort...the best we can do is join hands with the #Champions of the cause such as
#Shahid Siddiqui
And many more...
#AamirHaideri #Islam #Fatwas #ARRahman #Rahman #Mohammed_Messenger_Of_God #Iran #IranianFilms
#TigerMemon #DawoodIbrahim #KalamSir #AbdulKalam #MissileMan #MissileManOfIndia #DrKalam
#Modi #Secularism #Communists #Marxists #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris #BeingSalmankhan #BeingHuman #BeingSalmanKhan
#Mobile #Internet #ThreatFromMobile #ArifMohmammadKhan #MJAkbar #ShahidSiddiqui #NaeemKhan
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