Sunday, April 3, 2016

Syrian Refugees Crisis: Preparing for the 21st Century Crusade?

The US will keep manufacturing facts to ensure that Muslims end up finishing each other and thus they(US) reap the richest harvest in this intra-civilizational clash( instead of inter-civiliztional as forcast by Hutington).
That's why Saddam was thrown out and   not only the Iraq-Syria govts and the ISIS both get the US support! The  US is also fighting Europe through Syrian /Muslim refugees.
The Arab and the West Asian countries are rich and expansive yet not accepting the refugees. Why?  Because their clergy sees  in this US-created crisis an opportunity to extend Jehad to Europe and the Kingdoms an opportunity to delay the rise of 'lurking fang of democracy' in their respective territories.
On the other hand, the European countries see in this an opportunity to increase their young population in the short run and in the long run, when the migrant Jehadis antagonize the local populations through their violence acts that have already started, justify their direct interventions in  the oil-rich countries. This is reminiscent of the circumstances leading to the emergence of Hitler during 1930s.
This is a fight for sustaining economic hegemony in which ISLAM comes handy for the West because of its embedded espousal of violence.
In India from AwardWapsi to Malda to Vemula to Patidar and Jat violence, you have the hand of the US funded NGOs.
Here, what I see is that the Muslims are almost unaware of the Majority's Minority Syndrome which, if not addressed in time, will have dangerous implications.
I foresee  ISLAMIZATION (no offences meant) of Hindus in clear terms as much as I see the Jehadist Threat to India.
Europe and the US have laid the honey-trap and till date things appear to have moved as per their design. Even the Jehadis and the Islamic kingdoms have reasons to be happy about.
But one thing that the Jehadis are missing is that the combined intelligence and the firepower of the West may prove matchless. In the long run, only the TIME will tell who will out-manoeuvre whom in the game of strategically desired transition from the current low-scale violence to tomorrow's full-scale war.
But today all the stakeholders are in the delirium-driven assurance what,  for want of better expression, may be called a WIN-WIN SITUATION!

Tribhuwan Singh Shailendra Dhar
Tufail Ahmad Tarek Fatah  Tufail Chaturvedi  #PMOIndia #NSA #HMOIndia #AjitDoval

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