Wednesday, January 7, 2015

3-Stage IslamicTerror Strategy(3-SITS) Model

From Peshawar to Paris to Brussels and now Delhi's Vikaspuri killings, there is an underlying unity in the strategy adopted by the terrorists. This may be termed as the 3-Stage Islamic Terror Strategy the roots of which lie in the Holy Koran and the Hadith. The broad elements of the strategy are:

1. In the Muslim world, right from the beginning of Islam, those who killed people of Faiths-other-than-Islam were considered doing a Godly duty.

2. Later, when there were not many of the Kafirs left to be killed or converted, the Godly duty embraced non-Sunnis such as Shia, Khoja and Ahmadia Muslims.

3. But by this time the world saw the coming of Internet and Mobile that was  preceded by faster and cheaper means of transport along with relatively hassle free movement of labour (professionals) and capital resulting in educated and skilled Muslims moving to those parts of the world with non-Muslim majority populations that generally tended to restrain the conservative and restrictive Muslim way of life.

But does Islam with its doctrine of having the Last Prophet and The Last Word allow its adherents to accept this ? The answer is no. Either you a Muslim or you are a liberal, not both. To deal with the non-Muslim liberal world, they came up with a three-pronged strategy as learned from Hadith(the Book about how Prophet Mohammad lived and what he did) :

a. Tolerate democracy till in microscopic minority and without financial stronghold;
b. Once with the stage(a) crossed, terrorize the locals through merciless killings and still play victims citing relevant verses from Quran about how Islam is all about peace and equality;
c. Once the necessary political, military and financial muscle acquired, give the rest only two choices: Conversion or Death.In exceptional circumstances, they can be allowed to leave enmasse (exodus) as was the case with Kashmiri Pundits in the Jammu and Kashmir state of India.

The world today is experiencing one or the other or even a hybrid of the aforesaid stages of Islamic terror. The only country that has succeeded in countering this 3-stage Islamic Terror Strategy  (3-SITS) is Isreal because it is surrounded by hostile Islamic nations and has developed the intellectual acumen to accurately guesstimate the enemy's strategy and action plan and preempt the enemy's attacks by attacking them first.
Take any example-- 9/11 USA, 26/11 India, Peshwar Killings (Pakistan) or Charlie Mebdo Killings (Paris Shooting) and try applying the 3-SITS model, you will have logical answers.

In the latest case of Charlie Hebdo, it is 3(b) while that in the case of Peshwar Killings it was 2.
In evolved and mature democracies, it is almost unfathomable that such a strategy can be adopted to enforce the last word of Allah as communicated through His last Prophet, that is, Mohammad.
But there is no better way of understanding all this than reading the Holy Quran along with Hadith.

The Hadith, being all about the Deeds of the Prophet and thus to be replicated without question, ends up as the most important tool in the hands of the uneducated, ill-educated or a-literate.

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