Amartya Sen Misled Harvard Academic Swamy in1969?
Delhi University Prof. AMARTYA Sen Misled Young Harvard Scholar Dr. Subramanian Swamy in 1969?
Prof. Amartya Sen in 1969 gave the offer of Professorship in Delhi University to Dr. Swamy who was then Associate Professor in Harvard University and where he had done his Ph.D under Nobel Laureate Simon Kuznets.
In response to Sen's offer he had resigned from the Harvard job to join Delhi University.
But on reaching Delhi he realized that now Prof. Amartya Sen was a different man.
To please Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prof. Sen had reportedly turned SECULAR and withdrew the Professorial Offer to Dr. Subramanian Swamy!
Can such people ever rise above petty likes-dislikes and non-existing fear perceptions?
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