Is Islam Ready For Its Genetic Reengineering?
Islam without terror is akin to a body without soul. In this sense, Islam is the problem, not Muslims as such in their individual capacities. As individuals they may be as good or as bad as those of other Faiths.
But if those claiming from the roof tops that Islam is the religion of peace are to be believed, it has to be understood like this only: for them it will be, not was or has been, a religion of peace irrespective of any part of any of the fundamental BOOKS (Qur'an, Hadiths, Sharia) supporting violence against the innocent.
From the above, it follows that nothing short of Genetic Reengineering of Islam is required at the moment.
Also, the arguement that Paris Attacks are in retaliation to the American invasion of Iraq on concocted grounds doesn't hold water when juxtaposed with the violence in Karbala when the US of today was not even born!
It may be worthwhile having a look at the violence-supporting verses from the Holy Book Qur'an et al appended herewith.
#Quran #Hadith #Sharia #ParisAttacks
#ISIS #Iraq #Syria #Russia #France #America #Putin #Obama #Islam
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