Sunday, November 15, 2015

Islamic Genocides Precede American Intervention by 1400 Years!

#Islamic atrocities are ordained by #Quran & thus need no provokation. And, if retaliation is the excuse, #Muslims  should have been wiped out from the face of the earth by #Kafirs and non-Muslims. Lakhs of Kashmiri Hindus suffered Ethnic Cleansing at the hands of Islamic Jehadis, yet how many took to guns? In 680 AD, what was Karbala fought for? What was the provocation in the two cases of mass killings separated by 1310 years?

Those being soft on #ParisAttacks should read the history of #IslamicInvasions of Asia and Europe to be able to digest the cruel truth that these invasions were unprovoked.
How many times have Muslims retaliated to #EmpowerWomen and #nonMuslims ?
For what the #minorities in #Pakistan and #Bangladesh were retaliated against?
Answers to the #IslamicTerror lies in the #Qur'an and the #Hadith. This way you will know that what the #ISIS or its theological blood-brothers  are doing is sanctioned by Islam.
Strangely what many other Muslims are saying (ISIS acts are not Islamic) is also sanctioned by Islam because , as per #Al_Taquia, saying half-truths or suppressing the truth for the sake of Islam is permitted.


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