9/11 Revisited: An Indian Perspective
9/11 is a reminder, among other things, of the form the high-tech #CRUSADE can take today with the same #medieval mindset.
Is it a coincidence that even today the major parties remain the same?
Who are they?
They are the countries following the #EXCLUSIVITY of the #SEMITICFaiths: #Christianity and Islam.
In case of the US --- mostly populated by the progeny of #European #settlers driven by #thuggery and #genocide for easy money to nearly complete annihilation, that is EXCLUSION, of the locals or the so called #RedIndians--- and European countries, it is mostly Christianity,
and for the #WestAsian and #Arab countries, ISLAM.
Has the source of EXCLUSIVITY changed during the last 1000 years?
The answer is NO.
It continues to be Christianity and Islam as it was during the #medieval crusades.
Only the form has changed.
For the Christianity-following white-skinned world, it is now #PROFITS at any cost to the rest.
It means they want CHEAP #PETROL from the other stakeholders of the CRUSADE mostly located in petrol-rich but technology-poor and politically-backward West Asia and Arab.
But for the latter, the form has not changed much. That's why they breed the like of #ISIS and #AlQaida.
Their motto: resurrection of the #CALIPHATE marked by the Rule of ISLAMIC LAW to the EXCLUSION of all that the modernity has bestowed upon us: #EQUALITY and
Who will win this 21st Century crusade?
Of course, those on the side of PROFITS which are anchored by technology and intra-country #democracy.
Is India listening?
The India that is civilizationally INCLUSIVE and that has been wounded continuously by the adherents of Semetic Exclusivity of #Christianity, Islam and #Marxism.
#NineElevenRevisited #NineElevenAndIndia #NineEleven #USA #Europe #Islam #Crusade #NineElevenAndCrusade
#SeptemberEleven #LessonsOfNineElevenForForIndia
#NineElevenAndUSA #NineElevenAndEurope
#TigerMemon #DawoodIbrahim #KalamSir #AbdulKalam #MissileMan #MissileManOfIndia #DrKalam
#Modi #Secularism #Communists #Marxists #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris #BeingSalmankhan #BeingHuman #BeingSalmanKhan
#Mobile #Internet #ThreatFromMobile #ArifMohmammadKhan #MJAkbar #ShahidSiddiqui #NaeemKhan
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