Intolerance: Real or Fake?
Q: What is #Intolerance?
A: #Prosecuting or suppressing the voice of #dissent.
Q: For example?
A: #ISIS #Al_Qaida or Taliban killing people who refuse to convert to #Islam or who oppose their violent and barbaric ways.
Q: Any example in the #Indian context?
A: #Beheading of Guru #TegBahadur on the orders of #Aurangzeb because the Guru had opposed forced conversion of Kashmiri #Hindus to Islam on the orders of the Emperor.
Q: Any example from the recent past?
A: Creation of #Pakistan on the ground that #Muslims are a different Nation and hence can't live with majority Hindus as part of a democratic republic.
Q: A few more examples from the more recent past?
A: Imposition of internal #Emergency in 1974 by the then PM and #Congress leader
#EthnicCleansing of Kashmiri Hindus during early 1990s ; and, all the minor-major #riots of any category: #Caste, #Religion, #Region or #Language.
Q: Any example from today's India?
A: Not really except that the today's opposition parties are yet to become Tolerant towards the new regime with #Modi as India's Prime Minister.
Q: But many eminent authors have returned their Awards citing Intolerance as the main reason?
A: These #AwardReturning authors are not able to Tolerate the new regime because they are used to the ways of the opposition that was in power till recently.
Q: You mean to say there is no Intolerance?
A: If any, it is the discomfort of the #opposition to accept the new regime that is for
#MakeInIndia, #StandUpIndia & #StartUpIndia and is against #DynasticPolitics.
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