Monday, July 11, 2016

Communism is an extension of Islam, how?

Q: Communism is an extension of Islam, how?

A: To understand how Communism is an extension of Islam , one needs to compare the concepts fundamental to both:
Islam: Muhammad, the last Prophet
Communism: Marx, the first and the foremst Prophet
Islam : Musalman vs Kafir
Marxism: Proletariat vs Bourgeoisie
Islam: Jehad for Islamic Rule
Communist: Class Struggle for Communist Rule
Islam: Darul Islam vs Darul Harab
Communist: International Communist Rule vs Imperialist-Capitalist Rule
Islam: Kafir Wajib-ul-Qatl (Killing of a Kafir by Muslims is HALAL or justified)
Communism: Annihilation of class enemy (Bourgeoisie) is justified
Islam: Qur'an
Communism: Das Capital
Islam: Zannat (for men 72 virgins and unlimited wine)
Communism: Stateleesness when every one gets as per his need
Islamic Rule: Elimination of countless of opponents on a mass scale in Asia, Europe and Africa over the last 1400 years
Communist Rule: Elimination of nearly 10 crore opponents , mainly in the then USSR, China and Kambodia during the last 100 years
From the above, it is clear that both Islam and Communism propogate EXCLUSIVISM, BINARY THOUGHT &  ,VIOLENCE for attaining their goals.

It is also clear that Islam is a political ideology in the garb of religion because it is all about establishing Islamic rule by eliminating those opposed to it.

Q: Where is the difference?

A: Unlike Islam, Communism allows the elbow room for lesser prophets such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Che, Castro and Ho Chi Minh.

Communism, unlike Islam, abhors religion as opium but demands religious commitment to its basic tenents from its adhetents.

Islam, unlike Communism, doesn't trash religion as an institution but wants no religion to survive in the long run because it considers itself as the only true DIN (path to the only true God); and, to fulfil this goal makes JEHAD obligatory for every Muslim.

This way Islam ends up as an ideology to gain political power in the garb of religion.

#Islam #Communism #Religion #IslamIsNotAReligion #IslamAndCommunismCompared
#Prophet #Marx #Mohammad #Kafir #Jehad


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