Thursday, December 22, 2016

27 cr killed by Islamic invaders, 11 cr by Commies & how many by Hindu Fascists?

27 crore people killed by Islamic invaders,
11 crore by Communist revolutionaries,
And how many by Hindu Fascists ?

During the last 1400 years, the maximum number of people have been killed in the name of Islam (27 crore and counting) and Communism(11crore and counting) . Notably, the ideology of Communism is only 150 years old. Had Islam proceeded with the same rate (of turning living towns into graveyards) , it would have massacred more than 100 crore people during the same period (1400 years). Needless to say, Islam stuck mostly to sword while Communist revolutionaries used modern means of torture and genocide (chemical gas, tanks, externing to inhospitable climes, bombs, etc.).

It's important that the very sources of such ideologies are debated and humanized.
Next, if we want full play of individual freedoms, we have to get rid of the inhuman and irrational elements of identity politics. You can't have 'Shahbano' and individual freedoms simultaneously.

The votebank politics is sure to boomerang on the opportunist and hypocrite Muslim middle class.
Accept it or not, the Muslim Ways are now being copied by Hindus in reaction that is bound to lead to unprecedented violence.

Only an intellectual or left-liberal-secular-jehadi activist can afford not to see the writing on the wall!

1. The God Who Hates by Wafa Sultan
2. Allah is Dead: Islam is Not a Religion: Rebecca
3. Slavery , Terrorism and Islam: Peter Hammond
4. The Black Book of Communism (French Social Science Academy)


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