My best teacher, my real life hero
Shri Hemant Laskar: The best person and the best teacher to many like me, Sir, you are my real life Hero.
You taught nearly 40 batches of Economics (Hons) Ramjas College, Delhi University; nearly four decades of guiding and intellectual grooming spotlessly makes you what you are, our icon.
I left the college in 1987 and visited it again in 2015 just to be with you, to relive those moments with you, to feel like the first-year fachchoos do in the awsome presence of their would-be great teachers, to romance with the memories laced with your interdisciplinary intelligence,dedication and football coaching prowess, to feel like a 12th pass kid, to XYZ...
Sir, the only complain is that you remained super human in terms of selflessness, fearlessness and simplicity... these almost unattainable attributes of yours still stare into my eyes and make me feel really small...though they also don't let me feel down and out in the face of adversities... the same attributes distinguished you like a stand- alone island from the the ocean of giant-sized colonized minds that epitomized self-hate and distrust in their faculties... Sir, was lucky like not many to bask in the glory of your silence...may you ever remain happy and healthy,
With deepest love and regards,
#HemantLaskar #MyBestTeacher #MyRealLifeHero #RetiresNotTires #RamjasCollege
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