Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hindus are getting ISLAMIZED: why and with what effect?

If #secular harping on #Hindutva  continues for long, this HINDUTVA will survive only in name sake as it is fast getting #ISLAMIZED in terms of its character.
 If India is a democracy it is so mainly because of the much abused Hindutva forces and definitely not because of those who couldn't manage to go to Pakistan but created a #Pakistan within #India by driving out the minority #Hindus from #Kashmir. It may not be out of place to have a look at what they have done in Pakistan, #Bangladesh, #Iraq, #Iran et al.

And, in a few years from now, you will find #Modi and #RSS very very #liberal as compared to the leaders and organizations that would come up in reaction to #Owaisis, #Azams and #IndianMujahidins.
And what is doing this trick?
Internet and Mobile, not RSS and Modi.

PS: The following comment was made in response to a post by Shailendra Dhar on the ban on the edownload and pornographic sites:

So aptly put: ...seen to be competing with North Korea and Saudi Arabia.
It needs to be understood that the much of Hindutva that is in power today is
A-Hindu in the sense that it owes its existence to the Exclusivities of the very Semitic Faiths it professes to fight against.
They copycat the attributes of their' 'Enemy Faiths' which only think in terms of THIS or THAT.
That's why they tend to ban things they don't understand, the things that have a history of acceptance and respect in Hindu culture i.e. Khajuraho sculpture depicting sexual intercourse on temple walls.
In their fight against the monster, they are themselves turning into monsters, like it or not.
I am afraid the much touted Hindu organizations are plain Islamic or Evangelic in their character as they too are practising ECXLUSIVISTS.

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