Thursday, June 2, 2016

A prelude to the epitaph to our very own secular-liberal elite!

A prelude to the epitaph to our very own secular-liberal elite!
These days I don't feel like posting in English but I am afraid people suffering from mental slavery tend to equate, unconsciously though, content in Hindi or any Indian language with anything that is worth not paying attention to.
The point is DO's and DON'Ts are society- and culture-specific. When people with different cultural values live on equal terms, they respect each other.
Unfortunately, for the last 1000 years, India has seen just the reverse. As a result, anything that caused hurt to Hindus was implemented as an instrument to further demoralize the already subjugated people. The invading rulers or the rulers of foreign origin coopted those who readily surrendered to their dictates. In due course, this gave rise to an elite that was Indian only in skin and anti-Indian in all other respects (Ref Macaulay's presentation in the British Parliament, Feb 2, 1833?).
This went not unnoticed by the Nobel laureate Octavia Paz who, during 1960s as the Mexican Ambassador to India, had this to say about the Indian elite: ...they remain unmatched in their copycat character globally.
With this in view, if you look at the response of the dominant Indian elite to various issues such as BEEF BAN, DADRI, VEMULA, MALDA, GHAR WAPSI, AWARD WAPSI, YAKUB MENON, AFZAL GURU, PK, LAJJA, JNU SEDITION CASE or the ROADS' RENAMING, you will find a unique similarity and that is its ANTI-HINDU, ANTI-INDIA, and COPYCAT nature which is nothing but an expression of the deep rooted mental slavery that requires urgent decolonizing if the country wants to stand on its own.
This is typified by Historians(Romila Thapar-Irfan Habib-Harbans Mukkhia-Bipan Chandra) who speak the language of their colonial masters by eulogising the invaders and ignoring their own icons such as Rana Pratap, Guru Tegh Bahadur or Lakshmi Bai.
Before passing any judgment over what the Indian socio-ecobomic system had been over millenia, one just needs to have a look at its economic achievements:
...from 0 AD to 1500 AD Indian GDP equalled one third (33%) of the global 1750 it was still 24.6 % of the global GDP but within nearly 150 years of British rule it fell to 2% of global GDP(Angus Madison, 2000) ; and, was even less in 1947 and continued to be so till 1991!
The growth rate during this period (1950-90) was pejoratively referred to as the HINDU RATE OF GROWTH!!
The crux of the matter is that the Indian elite that is suffering from SECULARITIS and MENTAL SLAVERY needs to have guts to call a spade a spade and also unlearn to be ashamed of taking pride in things that are Indian.
Right now they epitomize hypocrisy and copycating.
We have made killing of Tigers, Black Bucks, Lions, Elephants, etc illegal, some states have banned alcohal, our MPs storm into the well of the upper house because a horse was allegedly brutalized by a politician in Uttarakhan, the UP police goes into overdrive to locate Azam Khan's buffaloes but the killing of a school boy for overtaking the car of a secular politician's son or the killing of a journalist by the henchmen of another secular (also a Peace-Loving Muslim) politician for truthful reporting are swallowed by the same elite.
In one of China's provinces with sizable Muslim population, buffalo enjoys the same status as does the cow in the most parts of India including UP and Bihar where cow slaughter is banned and which was the situation even during Akbar's reign. No Leftist will ever bring all this into discussion.
They will not discuss the Shahbano Case, Muslim Personal Law, Discrimination Against Muslim Women at almost all levels, etc because they fear drubbing both at the hustings as well as in real life.
The best part is that, thanks to the Net-Mobile-Social Media trio, the facts and ideas are now fast coming to the fore and only the competing ones will be able to get significant mind share of the 80-85 crore strong young population with nearly 105 crore mobile connections.
you better get rid of your mental slavery and cowardice else ready yourself to be consigned to the dustbin of history...
This post may be considered as a prelude to your epitaph...the TIME has made its choice, it's your turn now...Best of luck!


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