Saturday, February 20, 2016

Decoding JNU-V It is better to be a BHAKT than antinational today

Decoding JNU-V
It is better to be a BHAKT than antinational today

It is better to be a BHAKT than antinational at a time when you are branded a SANGHI for anything you say that is rational or pro-India.
In this sense, commy mental slaves are helping the BJP-RSS the most today through their anti-India rants or direct-indirect support to the India-breaking forces .
When the Leftist ideological position was best required in the opposition to fill the gaps that the market-oriented policies tend to create globally, they are playing into the hands of ISLAMISTS-EVANGELISTS & ANTI-INDIA THINK TANKS.
No wonder, George Fernandes had once said of them in a JNU's Satluj hostel meeting (1988-89) : They are the last to learn!
Firing his gun through Einstein's shoulders, a  JNU professor justifies his disdain for nationalism this way:
"Nationalism … is like cheap alcohol. First it makes you drunk, then it makes you blind, then it kills you. Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind – Albert Einstein"

What's more than clear from this is that by
equating Indian nationalism with the Western nationalism,  India's JNU brand  intellectuals prove themselves to be just the pendrives or copycats of what happens in the West. A former CPI member and JNU alumnus Prof Shankar Sharan has this to say:
With the world class facilities to boot, JNU churns out the third class intellectuals!

You will have difficulty listing listing JNU Social Scientists who have looked at India from Indian perspectives and are recognized for the same.
But in the same JNU, you have good number of Scientists in the Life Sciences etc who have made significant contributions.
Why? Because the Social Science students the country over are victims of mental slavery of which the pure sciences students are relatively spared.

Anyway, JNU episode has done a great service to the nation by exposing the copycat and anti-India character of  the best of educational institutions in the country.
JNU in that sense is a COMMON NOUN, not proper noun.
I am really feeling blessed to be living in this info  technology-driven age that so easily demolishes the one-way-MSM hegemony.

#JNU #ShutDownJNU #Modi #Bhakt #BJP #RSS #MSM #MentalSlavery #SocialSciences
#Sciences #Sanghi #Saffron #Bhagwa  


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