Thursday, August 25, 2016

Manufacturing Caste: Colonialism, Evangelism and Votebank Politics in India

Manufacturing Caste:
Colonialism, Evangelism and Votebank Politics in India

Today(24.8.16) I happened to read a post that compared Political Islam with Caste in India. The point is that Politics is expressly embedded in Islam and, like Communism, it is just an ideology to grab power by hook or by crook. On the other hand, CASTE as we see today is a GIFT of the British Colonialism and the European (mainly British) Evangelism to the colonized India with no option of REJECTION.

What's Islam without politics?
Not even 10 % of what it actually is. Religiousity of Islam is not universal, it is EXCLUSIVE and thus limited to those having complete faith in the Almighty Allah.
1. Allah is Dead: Islam is not a religion by  Rebecca B
2. A God who hates by Wafa Sultan

Pre- Renaissance Christianity was more barbaric than any faith ever practised on the planet earth. ( Crusades ; Genocides of Pagans in Europe, Americas, Goa; Slavery till 19th Century)

Annihilation of the Other is Religiously sanctioned by all Semetic Faiths including Communism (which compares so well with Islamic concepts such as Darul Islam, Darul Harab, Jehad, Kafir Wajibul Qatl, Qattal Fi Sabeelillah, Jehad Fi Sabeelillah, Ghazwa-e-Hind et al).

What's is the evidence of the humiliation of Shudras preceding the Islamic invasions?
Books banned by the British prove otherwise by sourcing the beginning of humiliations as we know today to the deindustrialuzation wrecked by the colonialists and thus, with socio-economic data, prove that the CASTE is the social fall out of the economic ruins of the producing communities(Shudras).
1. India in Bondage by J K Sunderland (1929)
2. The Case for India by Will Durant (1930)
3. देशेर कथा , सखाराम देउस्कर (1904)

The credibility of data presented in the aforementioned books banned by the British is further strengthened by the OECD Economist Angus Madison in his
book WORLD ECONOMY AT THE MILLENNIUM(2000). In his address at the Oxford University, Dr Shashi Tharoor had used Madison's findings to castigate the UK in terms of its Economic and Social roles during nearly two hundred years of its colonial exploitation.

To appreciate the aforementioned facts, one needs to walk out of his/her Activist's shoes and be a learner.

For better understanding of the issue, please visit the wall of
Dr Tribhuwan Singh who specializes on the issue.


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