Saturday, March 16, 2019

Jihad, Crusade and the New Zealand Terrorist Attack

1. Muslim population globally is about 20% but their share in the terrorist violence is approx 80%. That's why Islam has become synonymous with terrorism. The man responsible for New Zealand Mosque Attack is a #Christian who has openly said that his is an act of revenge aganist #Jihad.

2. Going by the 74-page manifesto released by the shooter, the New Zealand Terrorist Attack is nothing but a symptom of the beginning of #Crusade , that is the Christian answer to the #Islamic Jihad .

3. How many times did you see a Muslim intellectual sharing such videos released by ISIS, AL QA'IDA, TALIBAN, JeM, Boko Haram et al in disapproval? Islam, unlike the modern day Christianity, is a disease with which Muslims are afflicted. So Islam, not Muslims, are responsible for violence (and counter-violence like the recent #NewZealand mosque shootings.

4. Holding Islamophobia responsible for the attack is missing the wood for trees. This is because #Islamophobia is a misnomer as the #Quran itself preaches striking terror in the hearts of #Kafirs as a religious duty of Muslims. The #PEACE as preached in #Islam is not universal but limited to #Muslims. Islam has killed more than 270 million #unbelievers in 1400 years.

5. Jihad or Islamic terrorism is caused by a disease called Islam of which Muslims are a greater victim than non-Muslims. The Chinese govt has said this in no uncertain terms and has banned the Qur'an in their Xinjiang province.

6. How can I mourn the death of those branding me as Kafir who is fit to be subjugated to any kind of suffering just because of his birth ?
How can I feel sorry for those who pledge to rid the earth of those who are not Muslims?
How can I actively support those who supported ISIS abducting, raping, seliing or killing Yazidis through their loud silence?

7. I can never sympathize with those who have never openly supported refoms in Islam that justifies killing of non-Muslims as a Muslim's religious duty.

8. However, I must pray for sanity taking roots in the Muslim community that would some day see the inevitability of coexistence with non-Muslims who would not be forced to adopt the policy of tit-for-tat in the long run.

#NewZealandShooting #New_Zealand #NewZealandMosqueShooting #NewZealandTerrorAttack #NewZealand


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