Wednesday, July 15, 2015

After Buddhism of 2K Years Ago, #SkillIndia May Prove India's Second Tool To Stamp Its Victory Over China!

Not many people reach to the top in their respective examinations though they are no less competent; it is just that they are able in a different way. It is in this sense that the #SkillIndia campaign launched by the #Indian PM #NarendraModiis surely based on the comparative advantage the country has vis -a-vis China , ie., cheap and young labour force in abundance. In this sense, is similar to what late Prof. C K Prahlad said in his book FORTUNE LIES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PYRAMID while making forecast for the retail market globally.

Here the 'bottom' refers to the large mass of the poor young capable of jumping to the higher economic orbit through skill development. No wonder #Modi calims that along the lines of IITs, our ITIs would get global respectability by producing gainfully employable skilled manpower that might help India emerge as the capital of skilled labour. True, in the next ten years Asia will emerge as the manufacturing hub of the world that is apparent from the lead role played by China, Korean and Japan, among others.

India may not be in a position to out-compete them in the short run but it can take lead in the global supply of human resource because of its demography marked by nearly 75 percent population being young which is not the case with China about which it is said in a rather lighter vein: China may soon become too old to reap the benefits of its growth.

The Indian democracy has the capacity to impart diversity to the skill-sets in which its youth will choice to be trained in unlike that in China which politically continues to be largely dictatorial or the rule by the few. 
With this in view the following may emerge in a decade or so:
  • The #SkillIndia campaign may prove to its trained poor young in the long run and in a sustainable manner what NREGP has proved to the teeming poor in the short run (though not sustainable in the long run).
  • The campaign will help double the size of the #IndianMiddleClass to 600 million.
  • It may prove to be the second Freedom Movement in the country, i.e, freedom from poverty and hunger; and, and thus also broad-base the political democracy through financial inclusion.
  • As in the case of IT today, the campaign will ready the youth to lead the global #SoftPower race in the manufacturing sector.
  • The country's dependence on the #MiddleEast countries for foreign exchange will be reduced by responding to the global demand for skilled labour which today is region- and community-specific as of today.
  • The large but mostly underutilized and underdeveloped university system of today will be used to respond to the #SkillIndia campaign in a gainful manner and it will no longer be the last refuse of those ready to enter the unemployable labour force.
  • The higher education will attract only those who are interested in research, academics and strategic studies of all kinds.
  • Last but not the least, India may stamp its second victory over China through its mid-level soft power; the first one was through the CULTURAL POWER flagged by Buddhism nearly two thousand years ago.                                                                                                                       #SkillIndia #Modi #SoftPower #FortuneAtTheBottom #China #HumanResourceCapital #CulturalCapital #Biddism #India #ITI #IIT #CKPrahlad #IndianUniversities #HigherEducation #ManufacturingHubAsia #DemographyOfChina #DemographyOfIndia #IndianYouthPower #TheYoungestNation #SecondFreedomMovement


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