Monday, March 30, 2020

One Million Died in Wuhan Alone

Based on bits of scattered data about 8 crematoriums in Whuhan, nearly ONE MILLION (10 Lakh) people died of the Chinese Virus COVID-19 in the City. This doesn't include the Corona Deaths in other Chinese cities.
#ChineseLiedPeopleDied #CoronaDeathsInChina
#ChineseVirus #ChineseVirus19

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Jihad as a global security threat

Jihad as a global security threat: A study of Unbelievers (Hindus etc) as described in the Qur'an
The Qur'an contains the Words of Allah who chose Mohammed as His Messenger, the Final Prophet, to convey His Final Words through this Final Book. According to the Book, the Unbelievers or Non-Muslims are:

1. #Diseased (Qur'an 2:10)
2. #Perverse (Qur'an 2:99)
3. #Stupid (Qur'an 2:171)
4. #Untruthful (3:73)
5. #Open_Enemies (Q 3:28, 4:101)
6. #To_be_Avoided (Qur'an 6:106)
7. #Worst_Beasts (Qur'an 8:55)
8. #Polluted (Qur'an 9:28)
9. #Apes_and_Pigs (Qur'an 7: 126, 5:60)
10. #Not_Worthy_of_Mercy (Qur'an 48:29).
The fate of #Unbelievers_in_hell is discussed in more than 500 verses (Ayats) in 87 out of a total of 114 chapters (Suras). So roughly 75% of chapters contain 1 to 6 Ayat(s) about non-Muslims.
Add to this many #incitements_to_violence (including killing by striking off neck and finger tips or mutilating the body) against non-Muslims by Muslims. Here is a representative sample of verses containing such incitements (Qur'an 2:191,193, 216; 4:95; 8:12, 9:5).
In view of the above,  it is not out of place to conclude that the Holy Book represents a form of #Extreme_Hate_Speech against those rejecting the message of Islam; and, that #Perpetual_Warfare against #Unbelievers is a key part of the message of the Qur'an.
Now the question is: why this post on Islam by an Unbeliever?
First, it's an #existential issue for Unbelievers (Kafirs) to know what more than 1.6 billion Believers  of the world think about them. Second, this is all the more important if the Believers intend to #KILL or SUBJUGATE them if they refuse to accept the Qur'anic message. Third, this becomes the most important task in view of the fact that the Believers have already genocided more than 270 million Unbelievers during the last 1400 years.
Nearer home, parts of India with Muslim population exceeding 20% have been witness to extreme and regular #violence, mostly #initiated by Believers.
Earlier, separate Islamic countries of #Afghanistan, #Pakistan and #Bangladesh were created out of Muslim majority regions of India. In early 1990s, the Hindu minority of J&K valley faced its ethnic cleansing through loot, arson, abduction, rape, killing and genocide.
#DelhiRiots2020 are an example of #Jihad aimed at derailing the democratic institutions and public trust in them through the fear of organised violence .
Globally, Jihad has become a serious #security_threat to the extent that more than 50 countries including India have reached the threshold of #Civil_War. This is further evidenced by the fact that the #failure_of_democracy to deal with Jihad worldwide is causing the rise of #Nationalist_Political_Parties the world over. Also, democratically  elected leaders are mandated by their voters to act swiftly like #dictators in order that the threat of Jihad is contained sooner than later.
According to a study (Political Islam,  Bill Warner), during 1400 years of their existence , the followers of Islam have not waged Jihad against Unbelievers only for 120 years. So mathematically speaking, the statement that 'Islam is a religion of peace' is true only to the tune of slightly over 8% !!!
Copyright : #ChandrakantPSingh
1. Political Islam (Bill Warner)
2. Questioning Islam (Peter Townsend)
3. A God Who Hates (Wafa Sultan)
4. क़ुरान मजीद (अनुवादक: मुहम्मद फारूक़ खाँ)