Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Amit Shah Discharged, Hafiz Saeed Will Be Acquitted

Santa: Discharge & Acquittal are different?
Banta: Amit Shah is discharged, Saeed will be acquitted.

#SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #IITDelhi #IIT #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics
#Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatInDia
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #Khan #Singh
#Kashmi #JammuKashmir #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #BJP #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianMuslim #MuslimIndia #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics #Politics
#SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #IITDelhi #IIT #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics
#Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatInDia

Secular KHAN & Communal SINGH

Santa:How to tell Secular from Communal ?
Banta:Never forget the'SecularKHAN & CommunalSINGH' rule.

@narendramodi @AmitShahOffice @Swamy39
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #ConversionRow #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #Khan #Singh
#Kashmi #JammuKashmir #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #BJP #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianMuslim #MuslimIndia #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics #Politics
#SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #IITDelhi #IIT #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics #IdeologicalPersecutionOfAcademics #Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToIndia

Ideological Persecution of Academics in India by Nehru-Gandhis

Ideological Persecution of Academics in India by Nehru-Gandhis

It could be the joke of the year if one factors in the talk of AUTONOMY and ACADEMIC FREEDOM by the Secular brigade. Just a few examples:

1. A Harvard Associate Prof. ( Dr. Swamy)
invited by a future Nobel Laureate
(Prof. Sen) to join as Professor at DSE, DU; but the offer is cancelled because the then PM Indira Gandhi found the Harvard man's economic views too liberal!
2. The same man(Dr. Swamy) is appointed Professor in IIT-Delhi with Dr. Manmohan Singh as an expert on the selection committee. And, this time the IIT-Professor is sacked on the same ground.
3. One JNU Ph. D scholar revises his thesis( Organizational Study of CPSU)  after his field visit to the then USSR. The thesis is rejected by his communist
Ph. D Guide. It cost him a court case of 10 long years to get his Ph. D degree after the thesis submission!
It may be added that this Ph. D scholar was a CPI(Communist Party of India) whole timer and his revised thesis earned him the epithet od JAYCHAND of Muhammad  Ghauri-Prthviraj Chauhan fame!
4. Dr. Arun Shourie was denied appointment in JNU on the same ground as Dr. Swamy. He had some world bank connection! Today you can make a list of those  from JNU and serving multilateral agencies globally.
5. In WB during CPI(M) regime every new joinee had to reportedly get clearance from the local party unit.

The real point of discussion should be:
How every regime since independence has engaged in IDEOLOGICAL PERSECUTION of ACADEMICS with opposing view points and how over the years this practice has stymied our so called great institutions.
The whole discussion reminds of the
ANIMAL FARM novel by George Orwell.

#SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #IITDelhi #IIT #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics
#Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToInDia

Response to "Sacked by IIT, Welcome to Harvard, Dr. Swamy..."

(This is by Mr. Shailendra Dhar in response to my FB post titled: Sacked by IIT, Welcome to Harvard, Dr. Subramanian Swamy a Case Study.)

This case in fact opens up a window into systematic conspiracy against freedom of propagation of views in indian academic institutions. That's a story of how democratic freedoms and guarantees were  subverted by successive regimes in India. It is a story of how the democracy was subverted and maimed. Agreeing or disagreeing with Dr  Swamy  is totally another matter. Somebody should carry a research on ideological persecution of academics in Indian institutions.

#SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #IITDelhi #IIT #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics
#Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToInDia

Monday, December 29, 2014

Dr. Swamy Sacked from IIT to please Indira Nehru-Gandhi ?

Many are worried about what is being done to a great institutions such as  #IIT and the twist to  #PKdebate .
Just a few questions:

A.  Dr. Subramanian Swamy was sacked from IIT-Delhi for his liberal economic views in early 1970s . Before that his  appointment-invitation from Prof. Amartya Sen for Professor in Delhi School of Economics had been cancelled on the instructions of the then PM #IndiraGandhi for his liberal economic views. He had come to #Delhi having resigned as Associate Professor in the University of Harvard that consistently ranks in the top 5 universities of the world whereas none of the GREAT Indian Universities figures in the world's top 200 institutions. Also his Ph. D adviser at Harvard in mid 1960s was Nobel Laureate Simon Kuznets.

B. With invitation for DSE Professorship cancelled and marching orders from IIT-D for the BLUNDER of having realistic economic views as an academic, Dr. Swamy went back to Harvard to teach the most difficult of branches of Social Sciences: QUANTITATIVE METHODS. He did this till 2011 when the Indian Seculars waged a campaign against him for an article on inter-community relations.
It may be noted that Dr. Swamy was not associated with any political party before his sacking from IIT in about 1970.


We may recall the death of the then Railways Minister L N Mishra in a bomb blast in early 1970s under mysterious circumstances. The judgement on the case came only this years--2014!

It is not for nothing that the great mathematician Dr. Bashishtha Narayan Singh was driven to insanity when he came to ISI & IIT from #NASA .
And our great institutions continue to serve as graveyards of research and academics.

#SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #IITDelhi #IIT #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics
#Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToInDia

Sunday, December 28, 2014

भाजपा जपे माला-मोदी नाम केवलम्

दिल्ली चुनाव में
भाजपा जप्यो माला
जो देश वही दिल्ली में--
मोदीनाम केवलम्
मोदीनाम केवलम् ।
#BJP4Delhi #DelhiPolls #modimagicagain
@AmitShahOffice @ArvindKejriwal @thekiranbedi  #AAP #MufflerManReturns

'आप' की गारंटी, नहीं भागेंगे अब हम

'आप' की गारंटी:
नहीं भागेंगे अब हम
न करेंगे धरना-प्रदर्शन
न ही दोहरायेंगे कभी
गाड़ी-घोड़ा-बंगला पुराण।
#KejriFirSe #MufflerManReturns #DelhiPolls  #Modi @narendramodi @ArvindKejriwal @AmitShahOffice @thekiranbedi #DelhiElections #Delhi #AAP #BJP #BJP4Delhi #AAPSweeps #AAPKiDilli #AAPStorm

दिल्ली चुनाव: चला ब्रेक पे नेहरूवंश

दिल्ली चुनाव से काँग्रेस है निश्चिंत
जब मोदी हैं आए वह क्यों खोएं नींद?
शासन करते-करते थक गया है नेहरूवंश
द्वारका से लौटे कृष्ण तो चला ब्रेक पे कंस।

#DelhiPolls #Modi #AAP #Elections #Indians # IndianPolitics #PoliticsInIndia  #NehruFailures #Nehru #IndianNationalCongress #INC2020 #Congress #RahulGandhi #SoniaGandhi #India #BJP4India #BJP #Delhi #MufflerManReturns #Modi #AAPSweep #AAPStorm #AAPKiDilli #DelhiDecides

Friday, December 26, 2014

कितने इस्लामी देशों में सूफी मज़ार सुरक्षित है?

कितने इस्लामी देशों में सूफी मज़ार सुरक्षित है? कश्मीर में नुंद ऋषि यानी शेख नुरूद्दीन वली की मज़ार मस्त गुल ने क्यों जलायी थी? भारत और पाकिस्तान के कितने मुसलमान नेताओं ने इसका सड़क पर उतरकर विरोध किया था?

पाकिस्तान द्वारा तालिबान का पालन-पोषण कुछ-कुछ  ऐसा ही है जैसे साँप को पालनेवाला यह उम्मीद करे कि उसका साँप हमेशा पड़ोसी को काटेगा!
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#PeshawarSchoolSiege #Kashmir #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie
#Jammu #Elecions #JKElections
#JammuKashmir #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #BJP #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianMuslim #MuslimIndia #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics #Politics

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Jesus Lived in India, Buried in Kashmir 's Rozabal : A Penguin Book about His Life Before & After Crucifixion

Merry Christmas to you all!

Just read a book  JESUS LIVED in INDIA published by Penguin India in 2001 and written by a German scholar Holger Kersten.
According to it, Lord Jesus Christ spent large part of his life in #Kashmir where the Rozabal Mazaar(a tomb that is a place of worship as well) is believed to be His final resting place (tomb) and thus pointing to the Indian connections of #Christianity that has been ignored by most Western Churches.

His Sermon on the Mount has so much in common with what Buddha preached. No wonder He was venerated as a Bodhisatva, someone like Lord Buddha Himself!
The aauthor claims based on his incisive research that the #Kashmiri #Gujjar tribe BUNNY(in Kashmiri language it means OWN) ISRAEL is infact the community whose JEWS  ancestors came to Kashmir along with Lord Jesus and settled here along with Jesus as they feared Roman Retribution back home.

Incidentally Holy Qur'an is the only source that is claimed to have documented some leads to the INDIA CONNECTION of Christianity. The book also says that Mother Mary is buried in Mari( a small twon bordering Kashmir, 70 km east of Taxila in Pakistan of today) which is named after MARI MAI DA ASTHAN (the final resting place of Mother Mary).

The book's front cover is attached. An exciting and an interesting read!

#MerryChristmas #Christianity #Hindus #Hinduism #Islam #Jesus #Mary #Catholicism #Protestant #Vatican #Pope #Jerusalem #HolyQur'an #Qur'an
#HolyBible #Bible #Kashmir #Bodhisatva #Buddha #Indians #India #Pakistan #MariDaAsthan #Mari #Taxila #Buddhism #Jainism #Judaism

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

कम्युनल जम्मू , सेकुलर कश्मीर (सेकुलरदास की व्यथा कथा -2)

जम्मू-कश्मीर चुनाव परिणामों के बाद बंदानवाज़ दाढ़ीदराज़ सेकुलरदास पर फिर उदासी तारी हो गई। पूरे दिन घर से नहीं निकले  किसी का फोन भी नहीं उठाया। उनकी पत्नी ने बताया कि चुनाव परिणाम के दिन उन्होंने सिर्फ नाश्ता किया था वह भी परिणामों के ट्रेंड आने के पहले ।

मैं बिना बताए उनसे मिलने पहुँच गया। वे गुमसुम बैठे थे। मैंने कहा: आपके साथ चाय पीने आया हूँ। इस पर वे थोड़ा मुस्कराये और बोलेः
तुम चाय पीते नहीं फिर भी  बहाना चाय है! खैर, आये हो तो सुनो-कश्मीर की अवाम ने तो भाजपा को ठेंगा दिखा ही दिया है । 1 प्रतिशत वोट के साथ अच्छे दिन कैसे आएंगे? एक भी सीट घाटी में नहीं मिली । एक को छोड़ सभी उम्मीदवारों की जमानत जब्त हो गई। मतलब कम्युनल भाजपा को सेकुलर कश्मीर ने नकार दिया ।

यह सब कहते सेकुलरदास ने हल्की विजय मुस्कान बिखेरी। मैंने हँसी रोकते हुए कहा- पर पूरे राज्य का नाम तो जम्मू-कश्मीर है जिसमें लद्दाख भी है। फिर एक हिस्से कश्मीर पर इतना जोर क्यों?
सेकुलरदास थोड़ा असहज हो गए-सो तो ठीक है लेकिन चर्चा तो  हमेशा कश्मीर की ही होती है और जो वहाँ होता है वही पूरे राज्य के लिए सही माना जाता है।

मैंने टोका-लेकिन इस बार तो पूरे राज्य में भाजपा को  सर्वाधिक 23 % मत मिले । 25 सीटों के साथ वह दूसरी सबसे बड़ी पार्टी बनकर उभरी है। पीडीपी को उससे सिर्फ तीन अधिक सीटें हैं। फिर पहली बार वह  घाटी में चुनाव लड़ी ।हो सकता है इस बार उसकी सरकार भी बने।
 यह सुनते ही वे बिफर गए-यह हो ही नहीं सकता । पीडीपी, काँग्रेस, नेशनल कान्फ्रेस  कभी ऐसा नहीं होने देंगे । यह तो सेकुलर एकता का सवाल है।

इस बीच उनकी पत्नी बोल पड़ी- पीडीपी और नेशनल कान्फ्रेस दोनों में किसी को भी सत्ता के लिए भाजपा से हाथ मिलाने में गुरेज नहीं है । किसी को बहुमत नहीं है, ऐसे में और कोई चारा भी नहीं है। और तुमलोग ये सेकुलर-कम्युनल क्या करते रहते हो? मुसलमान या हिन्दू के हर गलत काम को सही ठहरा कर बाकी लोगों को उनके खिलाफ करते हो और समाज में अमन के नाम पर विद्वेष फैलाते हो।कुछ न मिले तो कश्मीर को सेकुलर और जम्मू-कश्मीर राज्य का पर्याय बनाकर जम्मू से ज्यादा सीटें जीतनेवाली पार्टी को कम्युनल घोषित कर डालो।

समर्थन मिलता देख मैं भी शुरू हो गया-भाई साहब, कश्मीर भारत का एक मात्र मुसलमान बहुल क्षेत्र है।और वहाँ से लाखों हिन्दुओं को भगा दिया गया जिन्हें जम्मू में शरण मिली। कश्मीरी हिन्दू शरणार्थियों के कारण जम्मू कम्युनल हो गया फिर वहाँ से ज्यादा सीटें जीतने वाली पार्टी कैसे कम्युनल नहीं होगी? दूसरे, सेकुलर कश्मीर में उसे अंडा मिला, उसे सर्वाधिक मत प्रतिशत मिलना कोई मायने नहीं रखता क्योंकि उसमें हिन्दूवोट ज्यादा है जो सिद्धांततः कम्युनल है। तब तो पूरा हिन्दुस्तान कम्युनल हो गया।

इस बीच सेकुलरदास की पत्नी ने उनकी तरफ चाय का प्याला और मठरी बढ़ाते हुए चुटकी ली-बिलकुल ठीक कहा। हिन्दुस्तान कम्युनल और पाकिस्तान सेकुलर!

#Kashmir #Jammu #25YearsofKPExile #RefugeeBluesInExile #Kashmiripandits #KashmirInExile #Kashmiriat #Pundits #PanunKashmir #Jehad #Islam #Hinduism #hindus #Homeland #kausarnag #Muslims #EthnicCleansing  #MuslimIndia #IndianMuslims  #Christianity #IslamReligionOfPeace  #hindurise #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #Quran #Koran #Bible #Hadith #Jews #Parsis #Zudaism #Zorastrianism #Sufism #Shias #Sunnis #Ahmadias #Khojas #Wahabis #Hanafis #ISIS #Taliban #Deobandis #Barelvis #ProphetMohammad #ProphetMuhammad #ProphetMohammud #Terrorism  #RefugeeCamps  #Anantnag #Verinag #SouthKashmir #KashmirValley #CashmireValley #AmarnathCave #ChhariMubarak #BunnyIsrael #Rozabal #Rojabal #Hazratbal #Vitasta #Jhelum #Indus #Sindhu #ShankaracharyaTemple #MyNameIsKhanIAmNotATerrorist #MyNameIsKhan  
#JKElections #KashmirElectioions  #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianPolitics #Politics #SecularAnthem #IndianElections #Secularism #SaffronIndia  #Indians #Indianelections #PakArmy #Pakistan #BJP4India #BJP  
#PeshawarAttack #BokoHaram  #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #JeSuisCharlie #PeshawarSchoolSiege
 #ConversionRow #ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #SecularConversion

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Holy PDP vs Unholy BJP Alliance?

Santa: What's Holy Alliance in Jammu & Kashmir ?
Banta: PDP with Congress or NC is a Holy Alliance but PDP with 
           BJP or BJP with the rest is an Unholy Alliance

#Kashmir #Jammu #25YearsofKPExile #RefugeeBluesInExile #Kashmiripandits #KashmirInExile #Kashmiriat #Pundits #PanunKashmir #Jehad #Islam #Hinduism #hindus #Homeland #kausarnag #Muslims #EthnicCleansing  #MuslimIndia #IndianMuslims  #Christianity #IslamReligionOfPeace  #hindurise #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #Quran #Koran #Bible #Hadith #Jews #Parsis #Zudaism #Zorastrianism #Sufism #Shias #Sunnis #Ahmadias #Khojas #Wahabis #Hanafis #ISIS #Taliban #Deobandis #Barelvis #ProphetMohammad #ProphetMuhammad #ProphetMohammud #Terrorism  #RefugeeCamps  #Anantnag #Verinag #SouthKashmir #KashmirValley #CashmireValley #AmarnathCave #ChhariMubarak #BunnyIsrael #Rozabal #Rojabal #Hazratbal #Vitasta #Jhelum #Indus #Sindhu #ShankaracharyaTemple #MyNameIsKhanIAmNotATerrorist #MyNameIsKhan  
#JKElections #KashmirElectioions  #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianPolitics #Politics #SecularAnthem #IndianElections #Secularism #SaffronIndia  #Indians #Indianelections #PakArmy #Pakistan #BJP4India #BJP #SecularConversion #PeshawarAttack #BokoHaram  #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #JeSuisCharlie

Media Silence on Assam Massacre

#PeshawarAttack got 24x7 media coverage. #AssamKillings edged out by #Jharkhand & #JKElections .

#Modimagic #Modi #Delhi #2014In5Words

Peshawar Attack vs Assam Massacre

Peshawar Attack got 24x7 media coverage. #AssamMassacre didn't get its due attention under the shadow of  #JharkhandElections & #JKElections .
But equating #PeshawarAttack with #AssamMassacre is making no difference between #AIDS and seasonal #Cough .But the latter needs to be condemned and dealt with a heavy hand.

Kashmir is Addicted to Easy Money

#Kashmir is an addict of #EasyMoney doled to counter #terrorists .Rid them of this & they will match with the best in the world.

#JKElections #Indianproblems #Modi #Secularism #Islam #Hindutva #Christianity #Sikhism
#Jainism #Buddhism #Judaism #Zoroastrianism
#indians #IslamReligionOfPeace #SecularConversions
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus

Secular-Communal to Vanish from the Indian Politics

COMMUNAL- SECULAR will soon vanish from the radar of Indian politics with the Mobile-youth demanding action, not divisive talk.

#Indianproblems #Modi #Secularism #Islam #Hindutva #Christianity #Sikhism
#Jainism #Buddhism #Judaism #Zoroastrianism
#indians #IslamReligionOfPeace #SecularConversions
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus

Secular Killings Communal Killings

Santa: How may types of killings one can think of ?
Banta: In India mostly two:

1. Muslims  killing Hindus is SECULAR ;
2. Hindus killing the rest even in
    self- defense is COMMUNAL.

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#Kashmir #Jammu #25YearsofKPExile #RefugeeBluesInExile #Kashmiripandits #KashmirInExile #Kashmiriat #Pundits #PanunKashmir #Jehad #Islam #Hinduism #hindus #Homeland #kausarnag #Muslims #EthnicCleansing  #MuslimIndia #IndianMuslims  #Christianity #IslamReligionOfPeace  #hindurise #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #Quran #Koran #Bible #Hadith #Jews #Parsis #Zudaism #Zorastrianism #Sufism #Shias #Sunnis #Ahmadias #Khojas #Wahabis #Hanafis #ISIS #Taliban #Deobandis #Barelvis #ProphetMohammad #ProphetMuhammad #ProphetMohammud #Terrorism  #RefugeeCamps  #Anantnag #Verinag #SouthKashmir #KashmirValley #CashmireValley #AmarnathCave #ChhariMubarak #BunnyIsrael #Rozabal #Rojabal #Hazratbal #Vitasta #Jhelum #Indus #Sindhu #ShankaracharyaTemple #MyNameIsKhanIAmNotATerrorist #MyNameIsKhan  
#JKElections #KashmirElectioions  #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianPolitics #Politics #SecularAnthem #IndianElections #Secularism #SaffronIndia  #Indians #Indianelections #PakArmy #Pakistan #BJP4India #BJP #SecularConversion #PeshawarAttack #BokoHaram  #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #JeSuisCharlie
#UnitedStatesOfAmerica #America #USA #France #UK #SouthAfrica #Egypt #SaudiArabia #Canada #PIO #NRI #Germany #UAE #Oman #Lebnan # Syria #Turkey #Russia #China #Bagladesh #Indonesia #Malaysia #Nigeria #AlQaeda #Qatar #Iraq #Israel #Spain #Portugal #Italy #Greece #Cyprus #WestIndies #Trinidad #Tobago #Mauritius #Ethiopia #Yemen #Iran #Afghanistan #Uzbekistan #Chechnya #Georgia #Serbia #Harzegovina #Sweden #Denmark #Finland #Holland #Netherlands #Switzerland #Ukraine #Azerbaijan #USA #America
#ShahRukhKhan #SalmanKhan #AmirKhan #DilipKumar #MeenaKumari #IndianCinema #HindiCinema #HindiMovies #SuperStars #HindiFilms #ArifMohammadKhan #ShahidSiddiqui #MJAkbar #SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics #IdeologicalPersecutionOfAcademics #Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToIndia #IndianPolitics  #Bollywood #XinxiangProvinceOfChina #JehadInChina

Monday, December 22, 2014

We Debate , They Attack

Santa: Are we tolerant of bigots?
Banta: Yes.
Santa: Why?
Banta: They've been ruling us for 1000                 years.
Santa: Why?
Banta: We debate when they attack.

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus

GharWapsi vs Growth and Development

Many who consider #ConversionRow as against growth forget that growth is mostly about human capital that was denied its due respect for centuries by rulers of alien mental make-up.

Can the #European and #American #growth story be delinked from the #Protestant #Ethics?
#SecularConversion #Modi #Hindus #Christianity #Islam #Secularism #SecularTweetsUpdate
#GharWapsi #Development
Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus

Sanskrit was my second language: Amartya Sen

#Sanskrit  was my second language. Have read maths and philosophy books in Sanskrit: Amartya Sen
#SanskritAppreciationHour #Modi #India #indians #Secularism #Secular #SecularConversions
#IndianPolitics #IndianSociety #Orientalism #Indophiles #Indology #ScienceInSanskrit #VediaMathematics #SanskritAsSecondLanguage
#Harvard #AmericanIndians #AmericanHindus #PIOS #NRIS #Humanities #LangaugeAndCulture #IndianCulture #Culture #ClassicalKnowledge #IndianAffairs

Sunday, December 21, 2014

अमर्त्य सेनःमोदी ने व्यवस्था में का लोगों विश्वास बहाल किया

अर्थशास्त्र में नोबेल पुरस्कार से सम्मानित और हार्वर्ड प्रोफेसर अमर्त्य सेन ने कहा है कि मोदी ने व्यवस्था में लोगों का विश्वास बहाल किया है जबकि
डा.मनमोहनसिंह अपने अच्छे कार्यों को भी नहीं भुना पाए ।

प्रो.सेन शनिवार (20.12.2014) को दिल्ली के इंडिया हैबिटाॅट सेंटर में एक्सप्रेस अड्डा कार्यक्रम में शिरकत करने आए थे।
#Modi #AchheDin

Amartya Sen: Modi restored faith in the system

Dr. Amartya Sen says that Modi restored faith in the system while Dr. Manmohan Singh couldn't sell even the achievements of his government.
#Modi #NobelLaureate #AmartyaSen #indians
#AchheDin #IndianPolitics  #MufflerMan  #BJP4India #INCIndia #Economics

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The seeds of PeshawarAttack sown by Eqbal

The #foundation  stone of #PeshawarAttack laid by #Urdu poet #Eqbal with the Idea of  #Pakistan based on #religion in 1930s!

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie
#Kashmir #Jammu #25YearsofKPExile #RefugeeBluesInExile #Kashmiripandits #KashmirInExile #Kashmiriat #Pundits #PanunKashmir #Jehad #Islam #Hinduism #hindus #Homeland #kausarnag #Muslims #EthnicCleansing  #MuslimIndia #IndianMuslims  #Christianity #IslamReligionOfPeace  #hindurise #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #Quran #Koran #Bible #Hadith #Jews #Parsis #Zudaism #Zorastrianism #Sufism #Shias #Sunnis #Ahmadias #Khojas #Wahabis #Hanafis #ISIS #Taliban #Deobandis #Barelvis #ProphetMohammad #ProphetMuhammad #ProphetMohammud #Terrorism  #RefugeeCamps  #Anantnag #Verinag #SouthKashmir #KashmirValley #CashmireValley #AmarnathCave #ChhariMubarak #BunnyIsrael #Rozabal #Rojabal #Hazratbal #Vitasta #Jhelum #Indus #Sindhu #ShankaracharyaTemple #MyNameIsKhanIAmNotATerrorist #MyNameIsKhan  
#JKElections #KashmirElectioions  #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianPolitics #Politics #SecularAnthem #IndianElections #Secularism #SaffronIndia  #Indians #Indianelections #PakArmy #Pakistan #BJP4India #BJP #SecularConversion #PeshawarAttack #BokoHaram  #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #JeSuisCharlie
#UnitedStatesOfAmerica #America #USA #France #UK #SouthAfrica #Egypt #SaudiArabia #Canada #PIO #NRI #Germany #UAE #Oman #Lebnan # Syria #Turkey #Russia #China #Bagladesh #Indonesia #Malaysia #Nigeria #AlQaeda #Qatar #Iraq #Israel #Spain #Portugal #Italy #Greece #Cyprus #WestIndies #Trinidad #Tobago #Mauritius #Ethiopia #Yemen #Iran #Afghanistan #Uzbekistan #Chechnya #Georgia #Serbia #Harzegovina #Sweden #Denmark #Finland #Holland #Netherlands #Switzerland #Ukraine #Azerbaijan #USA #America
#ShahRukhKhan #SalmanKhan #AmirKhan #DilipKumar #MeenaKumari #IndianCinema #HindiCinema #HindiMovies #SuperStars #HindiFilms #ArifMohammadKhan #ShahidSiddiqui #MJAkbar #SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics #IdeologicalPersecutionOfAcademics #Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToIndia #IndianPolitics  #Bollywood #XinxiangProvinceOfChina #JehadInChina

#Gharwapsi of MuslimIndia as IndianMuslims

#IndianMuslims + Congress = #MuslimIndia + #Pakistan + #Bangladesh + Secularism
#MuslimIndia + NoFearPolitics = #IndianMuslims

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus

IndianMuslims can lead the Muslims globally

#IndianMuslims have the opportunity to lead the #Muslims globally with their #Indian experience of
#InterFaithTolerance .
They just have to resolve to encourage the likes of Arif Mohammed Khan, @mjakbar &; @shahid_siddiqui .

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris

Muslim India vs Indian Muslims

Muslim India mindset created #Pakistan  and #Bangladesh .
Indian Muslims can lead the Muslims globally.

#Indians #PeshawarAttack #2014In5Words
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#PeshawarSchoolSiege  #India 
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris

Good Taliban Bad Taliban

Bad Taliban kills Pak Army children  ,  the good one kills the rest except Sunni  Muslims .

#2014In5Words  #Hindus #Christian #Jews
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #Taliban
#PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie
#Kashmir #Jammu #25YearsofKPExile #RefugeeBluesInExile #Kashmiripandits #KashmirInExile #Kashmiriat #Pundits #PanunKashmir #Jehad #Islam #Hinduism #hindus #Homeland #kausarnag #Muslims #EthnicCleansing  #MuslimIndia #IndianMuslims  #Christianity #IslamReligionOfPeace  #hindurise #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #Quran #Koran #Bible #Hadith #Jews #Parsis #Zudaism #Zorastrianism #Sufism #Shias #Sunnis #Ahmadias #Khojas #Wahabis #Hanafis #ISIS #Taliban #Deobandis #Barelvis #ProphetMohammad #ProphetMuhammad #ProphetMohammud #Terrorism  #RefugeeCamps  #Anantnag #Verinag #SouthKashmir #KashmirValley #CashmireValley #AmarnathCave #ChhariMubarak #BunnyIsrael #Rozabal #Rojabal #Hazratbal #Vitasta #Jhelum #Indus #Sindhu #ShankaracharyaTemple #MyNameIsKhanIAmNotATerrorist #MyNameIsKhan  
#JKElections #KashmirElectioions  #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianPolitics #Politics #SecularAnthem #IndianElections #Secularism #SaffronIndia  #Indians #Indianelections #PakArmy #Pakistan #BJP4India #BJP #SecularConversion #PeshawarAttack #BokoHaram  #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #JeSuisCharlie
#UnitedStatesOfAmerica #America #USA #France #UK #SouthAfrica #Egypt #SaudiArabia #Canada #PIO #NRI #Germany #UAE #Oman #Lebnan # Syria #Turkey #Russia #China #Bagladesh #Indonesia #Malaysia #Nigeria #AlQaeda #Qatar #Iraq #Israel #Spain #Portugal #Italy #Greece #Cyprus #WestIndies #Trinidad #Tobago #Mauritius #Ethiopia #Yemen #Iran #Afghanistan #Uzbekistan #Chechnya #Georgia #Serbia #Harzegovina #Sweden #Denmark #Finland #Holland #Netherlands #Switzerland #Ukraine #Azerbaijan #USA #America
#ShahRukhKhan #SalmanKhan #AmirKhan #DilipKumar #MeenaKumari #IndianCinema #HindiCinema #HindiMovies #SuperStars #HindiFilms #ArifMohammadKhan #ShahidSiddiqui #MJAkbar #SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics #IdeologicalPersecutionOfAcademics #Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToIndia #IndianPolitics  #Bollywood #XinxiangProvinceOfChina #JehadInChina

Friday, December 19, 2014

मेरा साँप वही जो काटे हमेशा पड़ोसी को !

पाकिस्तान और तालिबान का रिश्ता कुछ-कुछ  ऐसा है जैसे किसी का यह उम्मीद करना कि उसका पाला हुआ साँप हमेशा पड़ोसी को काटेगा!
#Pakistan #Indians #Muslims #IndianMuslims #Hindus #PeshawarAttack #MuslimIndia  #2014In5Words
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Why most killings in the name of Islam-1 ?

A simple Google search tells you that , wherever in majority, Muslims are killing mostly Muslims in the name of #Islam .
1. If it's  #ReligionOfPeace  why such acts of #violence?
2. If every religion is good and its followers are defaming it, why #Hindus are not killing other Hindus in the name of #Hindutva  along the lines of #Muslims ?
3. Why #Hindus had to flee #Kashmir valley? Just because they were in minority?
4. Why is it that even during worst of communal tension in #Gujarat- 2002 or #Mumbai-1993 or #Bhagalpur-1989 , Muslims as a community were not forced to flee en masse for good?
5. Answer lies in the idea of Pakistan that occupies the majority of #IndianMuslims. It is not for nothing that a #Bukhari threatens to create another country for Muslims again.
6. The rule is simple:
i》when in small numbers, tolerate democracy;
ii》when in minority but in good numbers, play victims through terrorist acts; and,
iii 》 when in majority, give  the minority only two options: #CONVERT or GET OUT else face mass killings as it happened with #KashmiriPundits .
7. The mind of an average MUSLIM,  exceptions notwithstanding, is best understood by a magazine started by Syed Shahabuddin: MUSLIM INDIA.
Why not Indian Muslims?

#Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Seculaism #Hindus #Hindutva #hindurise #ConversionRow #ConversionBattle
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris

Why most killings in the name of Islam-2 ?

1. How many Islamic nations have condemned Peshawar Attack,  Paris Shooting  , ISIS ,  Boko Haram genocides  the way they routinely do Ghaza killings?
2. In the aftermath of the killing of cartoonists and journalists of French Cartoon Magazine Charlie Hebdo, many Islamic cyber groups came up with the slogan: I am Muslim, not Charlie. How many Muslims groups/ intellectuals in India and abroad have taken exception to this?
3. The Muslim children in French Schools, on the advise of their parents, refused to observe two-minute silence. How many groups, known for their advocacy of Islam as Religion of Peace,  did raise the issue of poisoning the young minds at such an impressionable age?
4. Where all non-Muslims/ Hindus have gone killing innocent children to press for 'rule as per their Holy Book' ?
5. Globally, in the last five years, how do those killed in the name of Islam compare with that of those killed in the name of all other #Faiths put together?
6. In post-independent India, more than 80 % of the riots were started by Muslims. Why?
7. In India, how many riot-affected areas with Hindu majority did see the exodus of Muslims from there for good?
8. Why is it that Kahsmir Valley, the only Muslim majority region in India, witnessed the Ethnic Cleansing of lakhs of Hindus (Kashmiri Pundits) in 1989-90?

The courage to find answers to these questions will lead to making a better nation out of us. It hardly matters if you differ with me on all points but shying away from the questions themselves will prove disastrous for us all.

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

सेकुलरबाज़ों की सफलता का राज़

सेकुलरबाज़ों की सफलता का राज़

संता:सेकुलरबाज़ों की सफलता का राज़ क्या है?
बंताःनकली बात, असली लगन।
संताः कोई तोड़?
बंताः तथ्य, सत्य,साहस।
#SecularTweetDigest #Secularism

Is Islam by default Fundamentalist?

With Conversion 2 #Islam comes the LOSS of the capacity 2 question. Any news of Reform Movement therein? Fate of Sufis 2day?

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie

India is not a TALIBAN country. Why?

Santa: Why is India not a Taliban country today despite having more Muslims that that in Pakistan?
Banta: It's so because Hindus by Faith aren't like that. Creators of Pakistan left us in 1947 to create Bangladesh in 1971 and later Taliban, Al Qaeda etc.

#Kashmir #Jammu #25YearsofKPExile #RefugeeBluesInExile #Kashmiripandits #KashmirInExile #Kashmiriat #Pundits #PanunKashmir #Jehad #Islam #Hinduism #hindus #Homeland #kausarnag #Muslims #EthnicCleansing  #MuslimIndia #IndianMuslims  #Christianity #IslamReligionOfPeace  #hindurise #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #Quran #Koran #Bible #Hadith #Jews #Parsis #Zudaism #Zorastrianism #Sufism #Shias #Sunnis #Ahmadias #Khojas #Wahabis #Hanafis #ISIS #Taliban #Deobandis #Barelvis #ProphetMohammad #ProphetMuhammad #ProphetMohammud #Terrorism  #RefugeeCamps  #Anantnag #Verinag #SouthKashmir #KashmirValley #CashmireValley #AmarnathCave #ChhariMubarak #BunnyIsrael #Rozabal #Rojabal #Hazratbal #Vitasta #Jhelum #Indus #Sindhu #ShankaracharyaTemple #MyNameIsKhanIAmNotATerrorist #MyNameIsKhan  
#JKElections #KashmirElectioions  #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianPolitics #Politics #SecularAnthem #IndianElections #Secularism #SaffronIndia  #Indians #Indianelections #PakArmy #Pakistan #BJP4India #BJP #SecularConversion #PeshawarAttack #BokoHaram  #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #JeSuisCharlie
#UnitedStatesOfAmerica #America #USA #France #UK #SouthAfrica #Egypt #SaudiArabia #Canada #PIO #NRI #Germany #UAE #Oman #Lebnan # Syria #Turkey #Russia #China #Bagladesh #Indonesia #Malaysia #Nigeria #AlQaeda #Qatar #Iraq #Israel #Spain #Portugal #Italy #Greece #Cyprus #WestIndies #Trinidad #Tobago #Mauritius #Ethiopia #Yemen #Iran #Afghanistan #Uzbekistan #Chechnya #Georgia #Serbia #Harzegovina #Sweden #Denmark #Finland #Holland #Netherlands #Switzerland #Ukraine #Azerbaijan #USA #America
#ShahRukhKhan #SalmanKhan #AmirKhan #DilipKumar #MeenaKumari #IndianCinema #HindiCinema #HindiMovies #SuperStars #HindiFilms #ArifMohammadKhan #ShahidSiddiqui #MJAkbar #SubramanianSwamy #PKdebate #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics #IdeologicalPersecutionOfAcademics #Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToIndia #IndianPolitics  #Bollywood #XinxiangProvinceOfChina #JehadInChina

थान छोड़ जो गज को धावै केजरीवाल वही कहलावै

थान छोड़ जो गज को धावै
केजरीवाल वही कहलावै।
#AAP #KejriFirSe #BJP4India

सेकुलरदास हिन्दुत्व से क्यों डरते?

सता: सेकुलरदास हिन्दुत्व से क्यों डरते?
बंता: हिन्दुओं की उदारता कहीं उनकी दुकान न बंद करा दे।

#IndianMuslims #indianstwitter
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris

इस्लाम और सवाल? भाई जान है तो जहाँन है!

इस्लाम और सवाल? भाई जान है तो जहाँन है!

संताः यूरोप-भारत में जैसे धार्मिक सुधार आंदोलन हुए वैसे अरब में क्या हुआ?
बंता: ऐसे सवालों का जवाब है गोली।अगला सवाल?
बंता: जान है जहान है।
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus
#PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie

Islam is Good, Muslims may be Bad ?

No greater farce than:
Islam is good but Muslims may be bad;
Hindutva is good Hindus may be bad;
Christianity is good Christians may be bad.

#Modi #PeshawarAttack #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie  #Muslims #Islam #MuslimIndia #IndianMuslims  #Christianity #JKElections #KashmirElectioions #Jammu #Kashmir #IndianElections #IslamReligionOfPeace  #Bollywood  #hindurise #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #PDP #BJP4India #BJP #INC #AAP #ConversionRow #ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions  #Pakistan #SecularKhanAndCommunalSingh #Kashmir #JammuKashmir #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #BJP #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianMuslim #MuslimIndia #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics #Politics #SecularAnthem #Terrorism #USA #MyNameIsKhanIAmNotATerrorist #MyNameIsKhan  #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #America

Analysing Terrorists by Faith/ Religion

What about doing FAITH ANALYSIS of  #Terrorists so that the problem is tackled effectively?

@PMOIndia #PeshawarAttack #Muslims #Hindus #Christianity #Jews #Zoroastrianism
#Secularism #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie

Youngistan maange ACTION not Secular-Communal Raag

COMMUNAL- SECULAR will soon vanish from the radar of Indian politics with the Mobile-youth demanding action, not divisive talk.

#Indianproblems #Modi #Secularism #Islam #Hindutva #Christianity #Sikhism
#Jainism #Buddhism #Judaism #Zoroastrianism #Communalism

End of the Road for Secularbaazi?

With #ConversionRow logjam in Parliament, begins the end of the road for Secular brigade.Now ACTION will replace its divisive plank.
#SecularTalk #AAP 

सेकुलरदास को एक अदद पुरोहित की तलाश

सेकुलरदास को  एक अदद पुरोहित की तलाश

संताःसेकुलरदास को महामृत्युंजय के लिए पुरोहित नहीं मिल रहा?
बंता:उन्हें नास्तिक पुरोहित चाहिए।
संता: अब आख़िरी वक़्त क्या खाक मुसलमाँ होंगे...

Why most killings in the name of Islam globally?

A simple Google search tells you that , wherever in majority, Muslims are killing mostly Muslims in the name of #Islam .
1. If it's  #ReligionOfPeace  why such acts of #violence?
2. If every religion is good and its followers are defaming it, why #Hindus are not killing other Hindus in the name of #Hindutva  along the lines of #Muslims ?
3. Why #Hindus had to flee #Kashmir valley? Just because they were in minority?
4. Why is it that even during worst of communal tension in #Gujarat- 2002 or #Mumbai-1993 or #Bhagalpur-1989 , Muslims as a community were not forced to flee en masse for good?
5. Answer lies in the idea of Pakistan that occupies the majority of #IndianMuslims. It is not for nothing that a #Bukhari threatens to create another country for Muslims again.
6. The rule is simple:
i》when in small numbers, tolerate democracy;
ii》when in minority but in good numbers, play victims through terrorist acts; and,
iii 》 when in majority, give  the minority only two options: #CONVERT or GET OUT else face mass killings as it happened with #KashmiriPundits .
7. The mind of an average MUSLIM,  exceptions notwithstanding, is best understood by a magazine started by Syed Shahabuddin: MUSLIM INDIA.
Why not Indian Muslims?
#Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Seculaism #Hindus #Hindutva #hindurise #ConversionRow #ConversionBattle

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Modi and his MannKiBaat on AIR -2

Rahul: What's this #MannKiBaat ?
Sonia: Pappu darling! It's about Modi's straight- from-heart-talk that you better avoid.
#Modi #DrugFreeIndia
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught
#Conversions #AntiConversions
#Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus

महामृत्युंजय यज्ञ करायेंगे, मोदी सरकार गिराएंगे

महामृत्युंजय यज्ञ करायेंगे, मोदी सरकार गिराएंगे

संता: सेकुलर दास महामृत्युंजय यज्ञ करायेंगे, मोदी-सरकार गिराएंगे।
बंता: मोदी के चलते कुछ तो देसी बने बंदानवाज़!
#Modi #SecularTweetDigest

बात जो बुखारी ने मोसल्लम ईमान के साथ कही

बात जो बुखारी ने मोसल्लम ईमान के साथ कही

संताः बुखारीने अलग देश बनानेकी धमकी दी है।
बंताः ये उनके #MannKiBaat है जो मोसल्लम ईमान के साथ रख दी। #Hindus #Muslims #Secular #Bukhari

जिसका मन हो डिब्बाबंद

जिसका मन हो डिब्बाबंद

संताः ये ज्यादा समझदार लोगों को देशहित की बातें समझने में इतनी परेशानी क्यों होती ?
बंता: जिसका मन ही डिब्बाबंद हो वो क्या करे!
संताः मतलब?
बंताः ये मन के ग़ुलाम अभी भी माने बैठे हैं कि जो भी अच्छा होगा वो नेहरू वंश की काँग्रेस ही कर सके है।
#Indians #IndianTwitters

मतांतरण या धर्मांतरण?

मतांतरण या धर्मांतरण?

संताः कठमुल्लों को धर्मांतरण से प्रेम क्यों?
बंताःउन्हें अक्ल होती तो इंसान न होते! ये असल में लालच या डर से मतांतरण है, धर्मांतरण नहीं।
#Hindus #hindurise
#Muslims #SecularTweetDigest 

बुखारी: दिल की बात जुबान पर

बुखारी: दिल की बात जुबान पर

संताःबुखारी ने अलग देश बनाने की धमकी दी?
बंताःदिल की बात जुबान पे आ गई।
#SecularTweetDigest #IndianMuslims

Foreign Secular Diet vs Desi Modi

Fed on foreign #Secular diet for long, many are yet to digest desi #Modi as @PMOIndia .

#KejriFirSe #Secularism

सेकुलर लोग उटपटाँग बातें क्यों करते?

सेकुलर लोग उटपटाँग बातें क्यों करते?

संताः सेकुलर लोग उटपटाँग बातें क्यों करते?
बंताः खोट उनकी शिक्षा में है जिसे #Nehru वंश ने वोट के लिए पूरे देश पर लादा।
#Secularism #SecularTweetDigest
#Nehru #Nehrufailures

अलग देश की धमकी

अलग देश की धमकी

संताः कठमुल्ले बातबात में अलग देश की धमकी देते?
बंता: जिसके पास जो होगा वही न देगा।

सेकुलरबाज़ों की सफलता का राज़

संता:सेकुलरबाज़ों की सफलता का राज़ क्या है?
बंताःनकली बात और असली लगन।
संताः कोई तोड़?
बंताः तथ्य, सत्य, साहस।
#SecularTweetDigest #Secular

सेकुलरबाज़ और #MannKibaat

सेकुलरबाज़ और #MannKibaat

संताः #Modi के #MannKiBaat से सेकुलरबाज़ों को चिढ़ क्यों?
बंता: मन की बात उसे ही भाए जो हो मन को पाए।

#Secularism #SecularTweetDigest

मुस्लिम नेता बराबरी से क्यों डरते?

संता:मुस्लिम नेता बराबरी से क्यों डरते?
बंता: उनके #DNA में ही भीड़तंत्र है।कितने इस्लामी देशों में लोकतंत्र है?

#Muslims #Islam #MuslimIndia #IndianMuslims  #Christianity #JKElections #KashmirElectioions #Jammu #Kashmir #IndianElections #IslamReligionOfPeace  #Bollywood  #hindurise #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #PDP #BJP4India #BJP #INC #AAP #ConversionRow #ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions  #Pakistan #SecularKhanAndCommunalSingh #Kashmir #JammuKashmir #KashmiriPundits #EthnicCleansing #BJP #PDP #INC #Congress #IndianMuslim #MuslimIndia #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics #Politics #SecularAnthem #Terrorism #ISIS #USA #MyNameIsKhanIAmNotATerrorist #MyNameIsKhan  #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #America
#ShahRukhKhan #SalmanKhan #AmirKhan #DilipKumar #MeenaKumari #IndianCinema #HindiCinema #HindiMovies #SuperStars #HindiFilms #ArifMohammadKhan #ShahidSiddiqui #MJAkbar

हिन्दुत्व से डर क्यों?

हिन्दुत्व से डर क्यों?

संता: दूसरे मतों के प्रचारक हिन्दुत्व से क्यों डरते?
बंता: हिन्दुओं की उदारता कहीं उनकी दुकान न बंद करा दे।
#IndianMuslims #indianstwitter #Hindutva #hindurise #Islam
#Secularism #Modified

मन की बात #MannKibaat

देश को मन की बात भाए
सेकुलर दास रहे भौंकाए।
@narendramodiH #MannKiBaat #modified
#SecularTweetDigest #Hindutva #IndianMuslims @paricharcha

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Types of #University #Teachers in #India

What are different Teacher-Types in a typical #Public University?

They are mostly of Four types. Those who 1. Read &Teach;
2.Teach Without Reading;
3. Neither Read Nor Teach; and,
4. Neither Teach Nor Let Others Teach.
#India #Education #University

Santa-Banta on Delhi Polls

Santa: Why this Delhi dialogue?
Banta: #MufflerMan does #delhidialogue in #dillikisardi  for #KejriFirSe as #DilliKaCM who doubles up as the Best Opposition Leader too.


Santa: In Delhi elections it's between LOVE for #MufflerMan .
Banta: And TRUST in #Modi all the way.
Santa: Are you sure to join Congress as its Spokesman in the run up to the #DelhiElectionsFirSe? 
Banta: If only I could pass the #DynastyFirstTest for #Nehru -Gandhis.
Santa: I am all for #delhidialogue .
Banta: In or out of power, #MufflerMan does it the best on Twitter.
Santa: #MufflerMan ruled Delhi for 49 days.
Banta: Yes, as the best Opposition Leader in the guise of CM. #delhidialogue  
Santa: #MufflerMan is ruling the virtual world through #delhidialogue .
Banta: But he can dump the real #Delhi govt. without any such dialogue.
Santa: #MufflerMan trending top on Twitter since long?                                         
Banta: He is matchless as a ruler in the #VirtualWorld. #delhidialogue #Modi
#MufflerMan to wait for the next move of jilted Voters who loved him so much. Now the Love is making way for Trust.
Santa: Why #DilliKaCM #KejriwalFirSe
Banta: To start #DelhiDialogue & break #Modi monologue.
Santa: What is #DelhiDialogue
Banta: #MufflerMan begging #delhi voters to have #TrustFirSe after breaking their Dil.
#DelhiDialogue led by #MufflerMan is akin to save-the-marriage campaign by a MAN who deserted his #wife for nothing.
Santa: Congress forgave Rajiv Gandhi for  #delhi Riots but dumped #NarsimhaRao for  #Babri demolition?
Banta: Rao wasn't a #Nehru –Gandhi.
Santa: What is #DelhiDialogue
Banta: #MufflerMan wooing #Delhi to TRUST his staying power this time.
Santa: #MufflerMan is better than Congress. No to Dynasty; Yes to #VandeMataram &Youngistan. 
Banta: Yes. They will make a good opposition

#AAP #Kejriwal #ArvindKejriwal #MyCMKejriwal #MufflerMan #KejriFirSe  #HawalaAtMidnight #AAPFundingScam #BJP #BJP4India #BJP4Delhi #AVAM  #Delhi #DelhiPolls # Politics #IndianPolitics #KiranBedi #MyCMKiranBedi #Congress #Dharnabaaz #Pracharak #SoiniaGandhi #AjayMakan #RahulGandhi #NehruDynasty #MufflerManReturns #THisTimeAAP #AbkiBarBediSarkaar @ArvindKejriwal @thekiranbedi @narendramodi @AmitShahOffice #ModiMagicAgain