Wednesday, April 29, 2015

'चंद्रगुप्त तो बहुत हैं पर उन्हें इंतज़ार है चाणक्यों का'...

13 वर्षों से शिक्षकाई करते हुए ऐसा लगने लगा है कि भारतीय समाज का अगर सबसे कुपढ़ और मुफ्तखोर तबका है तो शिक्षकों का ।
मुफ्त की किताबों पर गर्व करना, बिना पढ़े पढ़ाना, सीनियर होने पर न पढ़ाना न ही दूसरों को पढ़ाने देना, विद्यार्थियों के मौलिक सवालों को सुनते ही उन्हें परीक्षा का भय दिखाकर चुप करा देना...क्या - क्या कहें :
छात्र 'विपदा बरनी न जाई' ।
आज के विवि शिक्षकों को देख मेरे प्रिय स्कूली शिक्षक शाही जी की उक्ति याद आती है:
लिखने आता है? नहीं।
मिटाने आता है? दोनों हाथों से।
ये शिक्षक ही बौद्धिक काहिली और मुफ्तखोरी के स्रोत हैं जो सबकुछ जानते हैं जो नकल से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है पर मौलिकता के दुश्मन हैं।इसके जो अपवाद हैं उनकी खैर नहीं। आप भले ही हारवर्ड में जगह पा जाएं, पर यहाँ नहीं चलेगा। ऐसे में छात्र ही प्रेरणा की गंगोत्री बनकर उभरते हैंऔर स्वीकारना पड़ता है कि 'चंद्रगुप्त तो बहुत हैं पर उन्हें इंतज़ार है चाणक्यों का' (पिछले दिनों एक पूर्व छात्र  सुरेश कुमार ने यह बात कही)  I
ईच्छा होती है कि अपने सभी छात्रों से अपने शिक्षक समुदाय की तरफ से हर दिन माफी माँगूं और प्रार्थना करूँ:
हे ईश्वर, इन्हें सुबुद्धि देना...

#IndianEducationAwards #India
#IndianEducation #EducationAwards
#EducationalLeadership #TeachingLearningInIndia
#StateOfEducationInIndia #StudentsForDemocracyInClassrooms #OverahaulIndiaEducation
#Chandragupta #Chanakya

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

बुद्धिविरोधी, बुद्धिविलासी, बुद्धिमान, बुद्धिवीर और बुद्धू

बुद्धिविरोधी, बुद्धिविलासी, बुद्धिमान, बुद्धिवीर और बुद्धू

संता: बुद्धिजीवी कितने प्रकार के होते हैं?

बंता: आमतौर पर दो: बुद्धिविरोधी व बुद्धिविलासी।
संता: और बुद्धिमान?
बंता: निजी लाभ केवलम्।
संता: फिर बुद्धिवीर कौन?
बंता: भय और लालचमुक्त देसी दृष्टियुक्त बुद्धिमान।
संता: बुद्धिविरोधी ?
बंता: जो सोचने का काम बुद्धिविलासियों पर छोड़ दे।
संता: बुद्धिविलासी रह गया।
बंता: जिसकी बुद्धि के अंडे से चूजा नहीं सिर्फ अंडा निकले ।
संता: और हमलोग?
बंता: बुद्धू।
संता: कैसे?
बंता: बुद्धि विभाग का ठेका गलथेथर और बुद्धिविलासी सेकुलर ब्रिगेड के पास था।

#Secular #Secularism #Intellectual #Anti-intellect  #Idiot #Wise #Indianelite #IndianElite 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

चाहे जैसे हो नाश्ते से भोजन तक मोदी विरोध वाला आइटम ही चाहिए...

कुछ लोगों का अंधविश्वास आज भी पीछा नहीं छोड़ पाया कि वे तभी तक बुद्धिजीवि कहे जाएँगे जबतक मोदी विरोध का राग आलापेंगे । बिहार के तूफान पीड़ितों और नेपाल के साथ-साथ देश के कई राज्यों में भूकंप पीड़ितों की राहत के लिए त्वरित कार्रवाई भी अगर किसी बुद्धिजीवि को न नज़र आए तो उसकी बुद्धि पर कौन संदेह करेगा ! वैसे उन्हें "बुद्धिविलासी" कहना कैसा रहेगा?

फिर हममें कुछ को ऐसा क्यों लगता है कि हमारी निजी- पारिवारिक से लेकर अलग-अलग प्रांतों की भी जो जिम्मेदारियाँ हैं उन्हें भी मोदी जी ही निपटाएं ?
कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं कि हमें अब किसी और पर विश्वास नहीं रहा ?
या खुद से भी ज्यादा विश्वास मोदी जी पर है ?
या फिर खुद पर भी विश्वास नहीं रहा ?
कहीं हम अक्ल के अजीर्ण से तो ग्रस्त नहीं कि चाहे जैसे हो नाश्ते से भोजन तक मोदी विरोध वाला आइटम ही चाहिए?

Monday, April 13, 2015

Who Killed Netaji? Nobody? Not One, Not Two, But We The People of India...

What could be the possible reasons of spying on the Netaji kins even till 21 years after independence, i.e., 1968?
And who gave the orders? None other than the first PM of India, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru!
Was he not sure of Netaji's death? If yes, then why did he make the nation believe that Netaji died in a plane crash in Taiwan?
Was it just an oversight by a PM who had become too busy to discontinue a practice of the Raj "to please his British "masters"?
 Or was the ghost of Netaji haunting him even after he had managed to get rid of him in the short run?
To be fair to our first PM Pt. Nehru, whose rivalry with Netaji is an open secret, may be he wanted Netaji's come back on the national scene and that's why he wanted IB to keep a track of his family members in the belief that if he was alive he would definitely contact them someday.
If this is the case, then the GOI should make public all the files pertaining to the whereabouts of Netaji. This will go a log way in exonerating Pt. Nehru of all the charges that the present generation is leveling against him.
But the common sense dictates that the matter may not be that simple. If it was in the interest of Nehru-Gandhis to declassify the files, they would have done it long back. Add to this the PMO reply that declassifying Netaji files would endanger our relations with a foreign country.

The question is: which foreign country?
Is the love of the people for one of its all-time heroes less important than the relations with that country?
Or, saving the image of the first PM is more important than the Public Interest?


Else the answer to the question WHO KILLED NETAJI is plain:

Nobody ? Yes, Not One, Not Two, But We The People of India Killed Our Very Own Netaji Who Gave The Last But The Most Powerful Punch The British Raj In Its Face. How Could We Remain Silent Witness to the #NetajiMystery All These Years?

#DeclassifyNetajiFiles #Nehru #NetajiFiles #NehruFailures #NehruDynasty #JawaharlalNehru #SubhashBose #SubhashChandraBose #INA #Netaji #NetajiSnooped #NetajiFamilySnooped #SnoopGate  #Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToIndia #IndianPolitics #Secularism #Jammu #Kashmir  #KashmiriPundits  #BJP4India #BJP #INC #AAP #SecularKhanAndCommunalSingh  #Congress  #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics #Politics  #BalGangadharTilak #Aurbindo #Gandhi #Tilak #Patel #SardarPatel #NehruFailures #ModiMagicAgain #ModifiedIndia #DelhiPolls  #DelhiDialogue #IndianHistory #indians #IndianCulture #SantaBantaJokes #Nehru #Gandhi #Nehrugandhis #NehruDynasty #NehruGandhiDyansty #RahulGandhi #SoniaGandhi #IndianIndependenceMovement #FreedomMovementOfIndia #ColonisedMind #IndianFreedomStruggle #SubhasBose #INA #Ambedkar #Russia #USSR #Stalin #Communism #INA #Bose #Netaji #DilliChalo #AzadHindFauz #Japan #IndianFreedomMovement #IndianIndependence #FreedomStruggleOfIndia #BlackBookOfCommunism #ChandraBose #AnitaBose #AmiyaBose

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Goa, 8th April 2015. At time when Indian Christians are preying on imaginary attacks – such as the rape of an elderly nun, done by Bangladeshi Muslims, not Hindus - it is worthwhile to pay a visit to Goa. There Christians raped, killed crucified, burnt, not only Hindus, but also Muslims in great numbers. Did you know that Albuquerque, the famous Portuguese general who conquered Goa, boasted that « there is not a single Muslim left here and the roads are awash with blood ». It is estimated that he killed 6000 Muslims in one day and razed all their mosques in what is known today as old Goa. Jews, hated by the Portuguese, were particularly targeted and so were Hindus: thousands of Hindu temples were razed, Hindu women were forcibly married to Portuguese soldiers, Brahmins were crucified or converted by force, forcing tens of thousands of Hindus to flee to neighbouring Karnataka.

And do you know who are the biggest culprits? Not the Portuguese, but the Archaeological Survey of India, who has not only kept under wraps what happened during the Inquisition, but has also striven to erase ANY trace of the ferocity of the Portuguese. Only a few locals today know where heretic Hindus were burnt or crucified, there is not a SINGLE sign or plaque to remember their sacrifice, whereas the mostly Congress Governments at the Center and in Goa, have sought to mark every single Muslim monument in India. For instance a stone marked ‘jail’ in Portuguese, which signalled where the killing fields were, has been thrown on the side of the road to make place for a telephone pole. A boundary stone marked ‘new pillory’, where Hindus were pilloried, lies unmarked in the middle of a road. A single column, all that remains of a razed Hindu temple, were Hindus were crucified, is in the center of a roundabout in old Goa – nobody knows what it is about and next time the roundabout is remodelled, it will be probably destroyed. The Archaeological survey of India’s Goa office has been built plonk on the field where Hindus were kept in lead cages before being tried and killed (lots of lead is still found there). People say that you cannot sleep in that place and nobody has ever built there. Every culture in the world, from the Incas to the Jews tries to remember its murdered dear ones, but in India, the Archaeological Survey of India makes sure that they are forgotten and their souls are still roaming unclaimed, unloved unrecognized. It is hoped one day that the men of Archaeological of India will be tried and condemned for crime against humanity.

What about historians? Why is the truth not researched and written about the Goa Inquisition? Well it’s a conspiracy of silence that serves everybody: the Portuguese’s interest is to keep under warps their bloody deeds done in the name of Jesus Christ, who came to teach humanity Love. The Marxist Nehruvian historians would not like to portray something that shows that Hindus were persecuted, a theory they have rejected for nearly seven decades. The Archaeological Survey of India’s main job since Independence, has been to supress truth, whether the true history of Ajodhya, or even of the Taj Mahal (any fool can see that there are still some Hindu temple’s stone ornaments in some of the underground chambers). The Muslims, who suffered tremendously in Goa, also do not want to be put in the same boat as the Hindus who they still think as heathens; and finally the Government of India, including the two successive Govts of the BJP in Goa, is trying to please everybody and thinks that being secular is to deny historical facts.
Cry O my beloved India, look at what Thy children are doing to Thou…
                                                   ---Francois Gautier
#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris #Portugal #Goa #Inquisition

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hindus being pushed into a PSYCHOLOGICAL minority?

It would really be an ideal situation
that a crime is not linked to the Faith of the person against whom allegations are made.
But is it practised by the Secular Brigade and the self-styled minority Faith leaders? Is not it being practised selectively to tarnish the image of an average law abiding member of the majority community?
Will it not lead to a fear-generated MINORITY SYNDROME among the members of majority, in this case Hindus?
Why is it that every stone thrown on CHURCH is always HIGH INTENSITY and a TEMPLE BOMB BLAST is secularly LOW INTENSITY?
Such a selective approach adopted by the MSM and the disproportionately heeded SECULAR GANG may lead to the TALIBANIZATION of Hindus that will leave us as moron and rogue as the ISLAMIC STATE OF PAKISTAN.

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Every church attack is high intensity, every temple blast is low intensity

Santa: Every Stone Thrown on a Church
             is Communally- High -Intensity.                Why?

Banta: Simple.That is because every
             Temple Bomb Blast is Secularly-                Low-Intensity.

#Communal #Secular #Church
#AttackOnChurches #BelurMuthBlast #Belur#AAP #BJP #BJP4Delhi #Modi #Congress #AAPSweeps #Delhi #DelhiPolls #DelhiElections #IndianElections #Politics #IndianPolitics #India #Indians #NRIs #PIOs #IndianAmericans #USA #US @ArvindKejriwal @thekiranbedi @narendramodi @AmitShahOffice
#BiggestThreatToIndia #IndianPolitics #Secularism #Jammu #Kashmir  #KashmiriPundits  #BJP4India #BJP #INC #SecularKhanAndCommunalSingh  #Congress  #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics #Politics  #BalGangadharTilak #Aurbindo #Gandhi #Tilak #Patel #SardarPatel #NehruFailures #ModiMagicAgain #ModifiedIndia  #IndianHistory #indians #IndianCulture #SantaBantaJokes #Nehru #Gandhi #Nehrugandhis #NehruDynasty #NehruGandhiDyansty #RahulGandhi #SoniaGandhi #IndianIndependenceMovement #FreedomMovementOfIndia #ColonisedMind #IndianFreedomStruggle #SubhasBose #INA #Ambedkar #SecularConversion #Secularism #IndianHistoryCongress #HistoryCongress #History #IndianHistory #RamGuha #Secular #SelectiveAmnesia #IndianCulture #Hindutva #MentalSlavery #PaidIntellectuals #PenPushers #GharWapsi #Gandhi #MahatmaGandhi #IndianMind

Friday, April 3, 2015

Secular Silence on CCTV in FabIndia Goa Trial Room

Secular brigade is silent on the CCTV camera found in the Goa showroom of Fab India. Is the Union HRD Minister a lesser woman as a customer than the rest? Or, she shouldn't have reported the matter to the police on the Good Friday? Or Lord Jesus needs the support of the likes of the Secular brigade to survive the complain  of a customer against a company that might have something to do with the Faith propounded  after His name?

#CameraInTheTrialRoom #FabIndia #GoaShameRoom #TrialRoomScam #SmritiIrani #SmritiJIrani

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris
AAP #BJP #BJP4Delhi #Modi #Congress #AAPSweeps #Delhi #DelhiPolls #DelhiElections #IndianElections #Politics #IndianPolitics #India #Indians #NRIs #PIOs #IndianAmericans #USA #US @ArvindKejriwal @thekiranbedi @narendramodi @AmitShahOffice
#BiggestThreatToIndia #IndianPolitics #Secularism #Jammu #Kashmir  #KashmiriPundits  #BJP4India #BJP #INC #SecularKhanAndCommunalSingh  #Congress  #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics #Politics  #BalGangadharTilak #Aurbindo #Gandhi #Tilak #Patel #SardarPatel #NehruFailures #ModiMagicAgain #ModifiedIndia  #IndianHistory #indians #IndianCulture #SantaBantaJokes #Nehru #Gandhi #Nehrugandhis #NehruDynasty #NehruGandhiDyansty #RahulGandhi #SoniaGandhi #IndianIndependenceMovement #FreedomMovementOfIndia #ColonisedMind #IndianFreedomStruggle #SubhasBose #INA #Ambedkar #SecularConversion #Secularism #IndianHistoryCongress #HistoryCongress #History #IndianHistory #RamGuha #Secular #SelectiveAmnesia #IndianCulture #Hindutva #MentalSlavery #PaidIntellectuals #PenPushers #GharWapsi #Gandhi #MahatmaGandhi #IndianMind #NDTV #Nirbhaya #IndiasDaughter #WomensDay 
#CrimeAgainstWomen #Lajja 
#SatanicVerses #TaslimaNasreen #TasleemaNasreen