Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Who are the people most hated in India?

Santa: Who are the people most hated in India?
Banta: Those who keep national interest above everything.
Santa: Others who fit the bill?
Banta: May be those who are original in their thought and action.
Santa: But tell me why?
Banta: Thousand Years of foreign domination presented as Ganga-Jamuni Culture by the elite.

#India #Indians #IndianCulture #IndianMind #ColonisedMind #BrownSahibs #CopyCatMarketing #OriginalityShamed #Secularism #Communal #MuslimRule #BritishRule #FreedomMovement #FreedomStruggle #WarOfIndependence #1857 #SepoyRevolt #IndianMutiny #IndianEducation #IndianElite #IndianMiddleClass #Modi #IndianPolitics #GangaJamuniCulture #CulturalSynthesis #InstitutionBuilding #InstitutionalThinking #OriginalThought

Monday, March 30, 2015

जितनी हो सके हम भारतीय भाषाएँ सीखें: मोदी

सोमवार (30.3.15)की शाम राष्ट्रकवि दिनकर समारोह के सिलसिले में साहित्यकारों , शिक्षाविदों और पत्रकारों के एक दल के साथ प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी को उनके आवास पर करीब से सुनने का अवसर मिला। उन्होंने कहा कि वे बचपन से उनको पढ़ते-सुनते आए हैं और हमें जितनी हो सके भारतीय भाषाएँ जाननी चाहिए क्योंकि हमारी भाषाओं में कितने ही ऐसे रत्न हैं और सब के सब हमारे अपने हैं गो कि इनमें कोई विरोध नहीं है ।

यह बात भी सामने आई कि विश्व के 100 लोकप्रिय काव्य ग्रंथों में 'कुरुक्षेत्र' शुमार है तथा संसद में थिरुवल्लुवर और दिनकर सर्वाधिक उद्धृत किए जाते हैं। वरिष्ठ पत्रकार आलोक मेहता ने भारतीय ग्रामीण पुस्तकालय योजना को दिनकर और अन्य भाषाओं के नामचीन साहित्यकारों के साथ जोड़ने का सुझाव दिया।

प्रतिनिधिमंडल का नेतृत्व सांसद डा. सी पी ठाकुर ने किया। प्रतिनिधिमंडल में डा. बिन्देश्वर पाठक, पद्मा सचदेव, रामदरश मिश्र, हिमांशु जोशी एवं सरोजिनी प्रीतम सरीखी हस्तियाँ थीं।इन्द्रप्रस्थ वि. वि. से अपनी सहकर्मी प्रो. सरोज शर्मा को देखकर खुशी हुई ।

#Modi #Dinkar #Hindi #IndianLanguages #Thiruvalluvar #HindiPoetry #Kurukshetra #HindiLiterature #NatinalPoetry #NationalistPoets #NationalRuralLibraryMission 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Attacks on Churches: To Get More Funds and Silence the Rivals Within

On 18th March I encountered an interview of a Catholic Missionary Robert Rosario posted by #India Facts on YouTube. Rosario is based out of #Mangalore and had the following to say about #Attacks on #Churches in India over the last 40 years:

1. These attacks invariably take place when the #Congress party loses power to the opposition in a State or at the Centre.
2. Any kind of #violence involving a #priest or members of the  #Christian community are labeled as attack on the #Community as a whole without losing time and thus terming the same as #communal violence.
3. The #Clergy is more concerned about what will happen to the #Faithful in life after death than what can be done to better their conditions in this world.
4. By projecting to their top decision-makers in the #Vatican that how unsafe it is to #Proselytize in a country like India, they get more #funds and also are able to silence their rivals within the Church, especially regarding misuse of funds and #sexualabuse .
5. If the majority community, in most cases #Hindus , also follow in the footsteps of the #Catholicclergy in India and term any attack on any of their members as #AttackOnHindus and retaliate accordingly, the situation will someday go out of control making it really unsafe for the Christian Community to live their with dignity.
6. The Catholic Churches of various denominations in India hardly bother to look beyond their nose and simple are silent on these issues.
7. But since the safety and security of citizens is the responsibility of the government, it should NEVER feel on the back foot and expedite the enquiries. Also, it should make public the reports of all such past enquiries.

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris
AAP #BJP #BJP4Delhi #Modi #Congress #AAPSweeps #Delhi #DelhiPolls #DelhiElections #IndianElections #Politics #IndianPolitics #India #Indians #NRIs #PIOs #IndianAmericans #USA #US @ArvindKejriwal @thekiranbedi @narendramodi @AmitShahOffice
#BiggestThreatToIndia #IndianPolitics #Secularism #Jammu #Kashmir  #KashmiriPundits  #BJP4India #BJP #INC #SecularKhanAndCommunalSingh  #Congress  #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics  #BalGangadharTilak #Aurbindo #Gandhi #Tilak #Patel #SardarPatel #NehruFailures #ModiMagicAgain #ModifiedIndia  #IndianHistory #indians #IndianCulture #SantaBantaJokes #Nehru #Gandhi #Nehrugandhis #NehruDynasty #NehruGandhiDyansty #RahulGandhi #SoniaGandhi #IndianIndependenceMovement #FreedomMovementOfIndia #ColonisedMind #IndianFreedomStruggle #SubhasBose #INA #Ambedkar #SecularConversion #Secularism #IndianHistoryCongress #HistoryCongress #History #IndianHistory #RamGuha #Secular #SelectiveAmnesia #IndianCulture #Hindutva #MentalSlavery #PaidIntellectuals #PenPushers #GharWapsi #Gandhi #MahatmaGandhi #IndianMind #NDTV #Nirbhaya #IndiasDaughter #WomensDay 
#CrimeAgainstWomen #Lajja 
#SatanicVerses #TaslimaNasreen #TasleemaNasreen

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Indian Education Programmed to Produce India-Hating Copy Cat Intellectuals

Thanks to our Education System, a blind and dated photocopy of the West, Secularism has become a tool in the hands of the highly aliterate to demean anything or everything good about India in general and Hindus in particular. This is less about cohesion and more about division to keep afloat political dynasties such as NEHRU-Gandhi and Lalu-Mulayam.
But with 100 crore mobile connections, mostly in the hands of the youth, and 30-crore strong middle class, the situation is in for change.
In fact, the change has started with a bang. #Modi and #Kejriwal are examples. Journos and political pundits may label them as inherently opposites, but they are products of the same forces of Technology, Strong Middle Class and Disbelief in outdated and divisive Slogans (of Secular-Communal).

The most disturbing part about most of this SECULAR lot is the near total absence of pride in the collective achievements of our ancestors and LOUD silence on things that are almost axiomatic and put the country in positive light.
 Not that everything past was good but can everything past be trashed as bad?
They have dominated the education system for nearly 70  years now and turned it into an A-national Factory.

This was so much so that NATIONALISM, VANDEMATARAM, JAIHIND  etc were considered things gone by.
Thanks to IAC of ANNA  and emergence of Modi and AAP/Kejriwal on the national scene, these words and associated feelings have got their respectability back.

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris #ArvindKejriwal #Arvindkejriwal

Saturday, March 14, 2015

हिन्दू चार बच्चे पैदा करें तो कम्युनल, मुसलमान करें तो सेकुलर!

साधु-साध्वियों की बात मान हिन्दू ज्यादा बच्चे पैदा करने लगें तो निश्चित तौर पर समस्या बढ़ेगी ।
सवाल उठता है यह बात कहने की नौबत क्यों आई?
1. क्या आबादी विस्तार की दर मुसलमानों में राष्ट्रीय औसत से ज्यादा नहीं है?
2. इसके लिए क्या जनशुमारी की जरूरत है या आसपास के मुस्लिम परिवारों में बच्चों की औसत संख्या देखने से ही अंदाज  लग जाता है?
3. मुस्लिम समुदाय औसत से ज्यादा बच्चे उलेमा के कहने पर पैदा करता है या किसी कल्पित राजनीतिक उद्देश्य के तहत अपनी आबादी का प्रतिशत बढ़ाने में लगा है ताकि भारत के एकाधिक हिस्सों में कश्मीर जैसी स्थिति पैदा हो जाए?
4. आपातकाल के दौरान जनसंख्या नियंत्रण को सख्ती से लागू करने का मुखर विरोध साधु-साध्वियों ने किया था या कठमुल्लों ने?
ये कुछ कड़वे सवाल हैं जिनसे दो चार हुए बिना न आयातित सेकुलरिज्म बचेगा न ही सर्वमत समभाव वाली भारतीय चिंतन धारा जिसकी सभी मतों को आदर देने की विशेषता को ही सेमेटिक मतवादियों ने उसके खिलाफ हथियार की तरह इस्तेमाल किया है।

#Modi #Secularism #Communists #Marxists #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie

#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris
#Mobile #Internet #ThreatFromMobile

मार्क्सवादी बुद्धिजीवी अब सिर्फ सेकुलर हैं, क्यों?

सारे मार्क्सवादी/कम्युनिस्टों ने दुनियाभर भर में विफलता, सपनों के स्वर्ग की पोल खुल जाने, सर्वहारे की तानाशाही के नाम पर करोड़ों सर्वहारा-जनों के संहार की पुष्टि होने और फिर पूरी दुनिया में
थूथू होने के बाद लोमड़ी की तरह अपना लेबेल बदल लिया है और खुद को सेकुलर घोषित कर दिया है। लेकिन भारत विरोध, क्रिश्चियन-मुस्लिम परस्ती और हिन्दू विरोध इनके डीएनए में है। भारत के इतिहास की अधकचरी जानकारी रखनेवाले मार्क्स बाबा ने जो बातें 1853-57 के दौरान कहीं उन्हीं बातों की माला अब भी जपते हैं । इसका कारण भी है: पढ़ने के झंझट से मुक्ति और दिमाग पर जोर डाले बगैर बुद्धिमानी का खिताब पाओ!

बेचारे समाजवादी सेकुलरों के लिए पहचान का खतरा पैदा हो गया है ।

गाँधी जी कहते थे: मैं हिन्दू हूँ । ...एक मुसलमान को अच्छा मुसलमान, एक सिख को अच्छा सिख, क्रिश्चियन को अच्छा क्रिश्चियन, बौद्ध को अच्छा बौद्ध होना चाहिए...। यही बात अंग्रेजों, सर सैयद और उनके चेले मौलाना हाली और बाद में इन दोनों की मानससंताने मार्क्सवादियों को खटक गई थीं। अलगाववादी राग का 'गर्भधारण' पहले सर सैयद ने 19 वीं सदी में ही कर लिया था, 'सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिन्दुस्तां' वाले इकबाल ने  तो बस अपना अपराध बोध खत्म करने के लिए 1930 के दशक में 'पाकिस्तान' की सोच को औपचारिक इस्लामी जामा पहनाया और लिखा:
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा पाकिस्तान हमारा!

फिर समगोत्री मार्क्सवादी कैसे पीछे रहते? उन्होंने 1942 में अंग्रेजों का साथ दिया और भारत बँटवारे का समर्थन भी । ऐसा उन्होंने लंदन में बैठे अपने दादागुरू रजनी पाम दत्त की सलाह पर किया।

लेदेकर अपनी अक्ल का अबतक कोई प्रमाण नहीं दिया है सिवाय अराष्ट्रीय नकल के। किसी और देश में होते तो अबतक पुराण हो गए होते । खुद पाकिस्तान में ही उनका क्या हाल हुआ? इस्तेमाल खत्म होते हो इस्लामी समगोत्री कठमुल्लों ने कम्युनिस्टों को यमलोक की राह पकड़ा दी ।

पर भारत में अभी भी उनकी झूठ की खेती चली आती है । बहुसंख्यक हिन्दू हैं तबतक चलती भी रहेगी । शायद इंटरनेट और मोबाइल से उनको ज्यादा खतरा है!
#Modi #Secularism #Communists #Marxists #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie

#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris
#Mobile #Internet #ThreatFromMobile

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Has NDTV ever registered its protest in the same manner against the banning of LAJJA, SATANIC VERSES as it has done with the BBC Documentary INDIA'S DAUGHTER?
Why  nearly missing footage of millions of men protesting against the Nirbhaya rape?
Has it ever shown its spine in commenting on Delhi Riots and Godhara Killings on the same scale as it did on Gujarat Riots ( that was triggered by Godhara) ?
The answer is NO.
Reason: they are overwhelmed by the SECULAR mindset that trashes anything good about India. And, who started all this?
1.Muslim Invaders
2. British Colonialists
3. Marxists/ Communists

The flag of "Public Communal , Nation Secular" is most vociferously carried forward by SICKULARS these days.
You convert to Islam, you are SECULAR.
You REconvert to Hinduism, you are COMMUNAL!

AAP #BJP #BJP4Delhi #Modi #Congress #AAPSweeps #Delhi #DelhiPolls #DelhiElections #IndianElections #Politics #IndianPolitics #India #Indians #NRIs #PIOs #IndianAmericans #USA #US @ArvindKejriwal @thekiranbedi @narendramodi @AmitShahOffice
#BiggestThreatToIndia #IndianPolitics #Secularism #Jammu #Kashmir  #KashmiriPundits  #BJP4India #BJP #INC #SecularKhanAndCommunalSingh  #Congress  #Indianelections #Indians #IndianPolitics #Politics  #BalGangadharTilak #Aurbindo #Gandhi #Tilak #Patel #SardarPatel #NehruFailures #ModiMagicAgain #ModifiedIndia  #IndianHistory #indians #IndianCulture #SantaBantaJokes #Nehru #Gandhi #Nehrugandhis #NehruDynasty #NehruGandhiDyansty #RahulGandhi #SoniaGandhi #IndianIndependenceMovement #FreedomMovementOfIndia #ColonisedMind #IndianFreedomStruggle #SubhasBose #INA #Ambedkar #SecularConversion #Secularism #IndianHistoryCongress #HistoryCongress #History #IndianHistory #RamGuha #Secular #SelectiveAmnesia #IndianCulture #Hindutva #MentalSlavery #PaidIntellectuals #PenPushers #GharWapsi #Gandhi #MahatmaGandhi #IndianMind #NDTV #Nirbhaya #IndiasDaughter #WomensDay 
#CrimeAgainstWomen #Lajja 
#SatanicVerses #TaslimaNasreen #TasleemaNasreen 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Amartya Sen Misled Harvard Academic Swamy in1969?

Delhi University Prof. AMARTYA Sen Misled Young  Harvard Scholar Dr. Subramanian Swamy in 1969?

Prof. Amartya Sen in 1969 gave the offer of Professorship in Delhi University to Dr. Swamy who was then Associate Professor in Harvard University and where he had done his Ph.D under Nobel Laureate Simon Kuznets.

In response to Sen's offer he  had resigned from the Harvard job to join Delhi University.

But on reaching Delhi he realized that now Prof. Amartya Sen was a different man.
To please Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prof. Sen had reportedly turned SECULAR and withdrew the Professorial Offer to Dr. Subramanian Swamy!

Can such people ever rise above petty likes-dislikes and non-existing fear perceptions?

#SubramanianSwamy #AmartyaSen #Amartyasen #Sen #NalandaUniversity #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics #AcademicExcellence #Nalanda
#IdeologicalPersecutionOfAcademics #Swamy #Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToIndia
#Harvard #AmericanIndians #AmericanHindus #PIOS #NRIS #Humanities #LangaugeAndCulture #IndianCulture #Culture #ClassicalKnowledge #IndianAffairs #NobelLaureate #AmartyaSen #indians #AchheDin #IndianPolitics  #BJP4India #INCIndia

Friday, March 6, 2015

Swamy: Five Reasons Why Sen Should Be Sacked As Chancellor of Nalanda University


I demand for four(or five?) reasons that the now retired Professor Amartya Sen be sacked from the Chancellor’s post in the newly set up Nalanda University :

1) Sen though paid an annual salary of Rs.50 lakhs (in US $ tax free)
is normally resident in USA, and comes to India briefly in the winter months
free of charge First Class on Air India. His total emoluments is far in
excess of the service he provides.
 2) The CAG Report on the expenses incurred for building construction
of the University and perquisites of Prof. Sen and others for administering
the University and the delay in meeting easy targets for construction, is
full of irregularities and is, prima facie, of corruption.
 3) The former President of India, Dr.Abdul Kalaam resigned from the
post of Visitor of the University in 2011 in disgust, objecting to Sen’s
arbitrariness and malafide actions.
 4) The nodal Ministry of External Affairs for the University,
objected in writing to Sen’s arbitrarily and opaque manner of appointing as
Vice Chancellor Ms.Gopa Sabharwal, an Assistant Professor. i.e., a junior
lady faculty member, from JNU (or Associate Professor, Sociology, LSR, DU?). Full Professors refused to join under a much
junior-faculty member as Vice Chancellor.
 The CAG in its Report had also objected to the appointment and the salary
fixed for her.
 5) In 2013-14, the Ministry of Finance also objected to the irregular
way Sen was operating the large Special Dispensation Fund of the
University. There was no transparency or accountability of the use of these
 6) So far about Rs.3000 crores of tax payers money has been
recklessly spent by Prof.Sen, for which he has to be made accountable.
 Hence I demand that the Government prosecute Prof. Sen and his chosen few
under the Prevention of Corruption Act, and under IPC Sections 120B, 406 and
420 or face a PIL from me.
( Source: MTC Global , an FB Group; Statement Made on 24.02.2015)

#SubramanianSwamy #AmartyaSen #Amartyasen #Sen #NalandaUniversity #AcademicFreedom #IndianUniversities #IndianEducation #SubversionOfAcademics #AcademicExcellence #Nalanda
#IdeologicalPersecutionOfAcademics #Swamy #Delhi #Modi #India #BiggestThreatToIndia
#Harvard #AmericanIndians #AmericanHindus #PIOS #NRIS #Humanities #LangaugeAndCulture #IndianCulture #Culture #ClassicalKnowledge #IndianAffairs #NobelLaureate #AmartyaSen #indians #AchheDin #IndianPolitics  #BJP4India #INCIndia 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Misguided Rahman vs Communal Roy

Santa: Abdul Rahman Kills Innocent Abhijit Roy to be Declared as  Misguided by Seculars.
Banta: Sushant Roy Kills Abdul Rahman in Self-defence to be  Branded as Communal by Seculars.

#Modi #Secularism #IslamReligionOfPeace #PeshawarAttack #ConversionRow
#ConversionBattle #Gharwapsi #ParlLogjam #OppositionOnslaught #Conversions #AntiConversions #Islam #Christianity #ISIS #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #PeshawarSchoolSiege #CharlieHebdo #ParisShooting #IamCharlie #Peshawar #PeshawarAttack #TalibanKillsKids #PeshawarSiege
#SydneySiege #Muslims #Islam #Hindutva #hindurise #IAmAMuslimNotCharlie
#Indians #IndianPolitics #IndianMuslims #MuslimIndia #Politics #Terrorism #Taliban #Bokoharam #AlQaida #ClashOfCivilization #SecularTerror #MinorityTerror #InternationalRelationsAndIslam #Conflict #BiggestThreatToGlobalPeace #ThreatToGlobalPeace #IslamInDanger #UAE #SaudiArabia #Qatar #Oman #Iran #Russia #IslamicCountries #ConflictResolution #ConflictIssues #ConflictZone #India #UK #EU #Canada #Netherlands #Syria #Iraq #Afghanistan #Egypt #Turkey #Indonesia #Malaysia #Pakistan #Australia #USA #Europe #France #Britain #England #Germany #Paris